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Sarevok (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Sarevok (DayZ)

  1. Sarevok (DayZ)

    Perfect bandit moments..

    I killed 2 players in one sitting today without taking a single hit using an AK 74U. They were carrying an MP5SD and an M16A2. It was really fun ^^
  2. Sarevok (DayZ)

    ITT : Post your best gear yet

    Nice job dude, you found a hackers stash. -.- My best gear. - M107 - Rangefinders - M240 - G17 - Ghillie suit
  3. Sarevok (DayZ)

    First Legit Kill

    I do believe my spiral into player killing started in Chernogorsk, I watched a couple guys going into the supermarket (I was in the top floor of fire station). I asked on side chat if they were friendly, they said no so I warned them to stay away. Anyway one of them decided to come and get me, lets just say M16 > Winchester :3
  4. Sarevok (DayZ)

    Things you've never found

    Those 2 items, I've never had a helicopter working either.
  5. Sarevok (DayZ)

    DayZ Commander Issue

  6. Are bandits allowed to join in on the fun? :3
  7. Sarevok (DayZ)

    my dayz adventure

    92? I'm a bit skeptical but still nice story anyway.
  8. Added you, looking forward to it my good man.
  9. Sarevok (DayZ)

    Looking for people to join UK

    I'm in, group play is so much better than solo play. What voice chat programme are you going to use once you have your mic? I have Skype and TS3 (if you know a server we can join.)
  10. Sarevok (DayZ)

    Do bandits put people off the game?

    Dupers/hackers are what annoy me the most. not 40 minutes ago I got killed by what seemed to be 4 AS 50's firing down on me from cherno factory. Why don't they play the game properly >:( Bandits make the game fun and challenging, dupers are the worst!
  11. Sarevok (DayZ)

    Ban appeal

    Hey all, I got banned from DE4 and I have no idea why (I am quite fond of that server), so could someone contact the owner of the server please and help sort this out. My name in game is Sarevok if that helps.
  12. Sarevok (DayZ)

    Ban appeal
