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Everything posted by GotBeanZ

  1. This, gentlemen... This is an example of an ethical bandit. Not your average DayZ player. Hats off and beans to you, my good man.
  2. This should've made the Helpful Threads thread. I was going to ask how to avoid betrayal in the New Player Discussion section, but seeing as this basically covers it, I thought I would revive it to see what anybody else thought on the subject. :D
  3. GotBeanZ

    Feel so guilty..

    You saw something, you wanted it, and you took it. Simple as that. A little dark though, seeing as he patched you up.
  4. Shame you didn't record it. Sounds like Xbox to me! :lol: Best. Ending. Ever.
  5. GotBeanZ

    vehicles need to be more common

  6. GotBeanZ

    New in Dayz - custom map advice

    If only Takistan were a DayZ map... But he doesn't want a desert map, he says? If you play on a desert map long enough, you get used to it.
  7. GotBeanZ

    DayZ standalone inventory mock-up.

    What I think would be interesting is if/when the 3rd person is removed, then maybe you can use that character model to zoom in and inspect for small cuts/scrapes that could get infected. Like a much more advanced/realistic game of Operation. Although when I say it like that it sounds like a bad idea, but I can't think of a better way to put it ATM.
  8. Kill at 2:25 was very ninja. I likey. Are these AI or players?
  9. GotBeanZ


    #1: Search Function. #2: Realism? We've got zombies infected creatures. (Sorry, just had to bring that argument into this, because I mean... What else is there to say?) #3: What about when some inventive child comes up with a script that automatically kills all sleeping avatars at the push of a button. Isn't it bad enough as it is? #4: Should #3 get replied with "whitelisted servers", I will be forced to hunt you down and eat your beans, then laugh maniacally as I swing my hatchet at your face.
  10. Support. There should be a way to check the mags though, so our look-before-you-leap players can stand a chance. #thatsthejoke And you could use the enfield as a dinnerbell, literally!
  11. GotBeanZ

    well then

    Unless it was patched in 1.7.6, you can still vault with your legs broke. Vault over to the bench, and vault on out. :D Edit: By default, press V to vault.
  12. GotBeanZ

    Standalone - Taking Prisoners/Restraints

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/123233-taking-a-survivor-hostage/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/38827-handcuffingserverhoplooters/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32127-kidnaping-players-or-saving-your-friends/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7252-kidnapping-slave-trafficking-cannibalism/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/126930-hand-cuffs/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/126879-hostage-mode/ Need I go on?
  13. GotBeanZ

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    I read the first 6 pages, I'm almost out of beans! Must.. stop..!
  14. GotBeanZ

    Spawn with bandit skin

    You're pretty much stuck like that for awhile, bro. You can't have it both ways. :lol:
  15. GotBeanZ

    How loot and such should be done

    I am from the future. In the year 2014, this idea was implemented. Now there are thousands of people every day, camping vehicle spots until server restarts, and vehicles are now more hoarded than they ever were. I was sent back to see that this never gets in... :murder:
  16. GotBeanZ


    Aside from all the other points the guys are making, there should be no artificial "ownership" idea in DayZ. If you think the beans are yours, and that someone "stole" them, then you should take them back the old fashioned way. Nobody wants to have some griefer force their character to sit unconcious for hours. Edit: Kyrah... :lol: Ninja'd, I suppose.
  17. GotBeanZ

    BE Global ban

    Read t'stickies, lad. 'fraid there's naught to be done on this end. Wait for standalone.
  18. GotBeanZ

    Too much DayZ?

    As you should have! Hmph! How dare you not park inside, like a proper gentleman?!
  19. GotBeanZ

    Unsuspecting Noob Sighting Reactions Thread

    BTW, shouldn't this be in the Gallery? :D
  20. GotBeanZ

    DayZ Memes

    Ohhh, why not... Heheh. Daydreaming Dean Or DayZ, if you prefer. Skeptical Dean
  21. GotBeanZ

    [Small] Inventory Suggestion.

    Support. Most interesting... Yes, indeed... :bandit:
  22. The Carebear is strong with this one.