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Everything posted by Saethkept
Dayz Standalone - Time Period Difficulties
Saethkept replied to Cerberus_HC's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
DayZ really isn't the game for it, but a zombie game that begins just before the apocalypse and allows us to experience the fall of society and rise of the dead would be pretty awesome. Most games drop you into the hell of the dead so to speak, without effectively explaining or showing how the world got there. I see where you are coming from though. -
Key to change ACOG from zoom to red dot
Saethkept replied to Leto (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The G36A and K camo, the SA58V ACOG, and the L85 SUSAT all have dual sight modes activated with the numpad "/". -
You aim for the main rotor or engine housing. A DMR, or even the L85 SUSAT would work just fine. Before I figured out that you could adjust vehicle damage values in the database, I used to ride or fly around my server shooting various vehicles to damage them. I do not remember the exact number of various caliber rounds to seriously mess up the engine or main rotor on a huey, but it does not take many hits. Random hits can also damage the instruments - not so important on the Huey, but it is annoying as heck to fly a helicopter like that, if it has a HUD. A good pilot who flies very low and very fast is another story. Most beginner DayZ pilots however like to fly low and slow or high and floating, which makes them easy targets. As for .50 rifles, I will not miss them.
Heli thief, nearly got away with it
Saethkept replied to Hetstaine's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Nice one. 'Like A Huey For Beans'. One heck of a title for a summer blockbuster. Soundtrack by Megadeth and John Carpenter directing. -
i was wondering if there was a deathmatch server like the old times?
Saethkept replied to iisilentjokerii's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Try this link: http://www.jjgames.com/product/1523?utm_source=google-productlistingads&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=ps2-10&utm_campaign=productlistingads&gclid=CJ_Hmv_MpbcCFdKd4AodMRUAbA But seriously, and I would not recommend doing it, just hop on most any populated server and run around the streets of Elektro or Cherno or the runway at NWAF waving your weapon and wildly firing off shots. On a lighter note, there used to be a number of heavy PvP Panthera servers - don't know if they are still around but you could check it out. Lots of times Rmod servers are loaded with armor, gunships and vehicle mounted weapons. -
Sounds interesting. Those stale guns shoot so crookedly and taste flat anyway. To wit nonetheless, I hope the event goes well for you, and you pull it off without a glitch.
6 New decayed Zeds ? that's against what rocket said
Saethkept replied to ponc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Sounds cool. It's about time zombies join the party. Braiiiiiins! Really though, I for one would not mind if a new DayZ dawned "of the dead" instead of waiting until "28 Days Later" to face the same cannibal crowd. -
Stupidest thing you've ever done in DayZ?
Saethkept replied to nickpicks56's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
My battle buddy and I were mingling with some shady types at their camp on a hill above the power station outside Elektro when one of them decided to randomly fire his M-14 at a zombie that had strayed our way. This was during the early days. Well there were five us, and well geared, we decided to make a stand and teach the oncoming mob of zombies a hot lead lesson. Heck, our UAZ was parked a few feet away, and the shady types had a British Off-Road on standby (which we were eyeing because they had stolen it from our camp up north). So we all opened up with our boom sticks like in that scene from predator, only instead of empty jungle, around forty to fifty zombies were charging at us. I had a MK48, my buddy a FN FAL. We were doing good, all the while unaware that the sound of our big guns had drawn zombies from down the hill behind us. So we get caught in a zombie pincer movement. I run out of main gun ammo, and draw my G17. Now I am an artist of the headshot with the Glock - and zombie foreheads are my canvas. But, we also wanted to get back our jeep ... without having to outright murder to do it. So over TS3 a hasty plan is made to shoot out the engine of our heavily damaged UAZ, wing our shady hosts in their legs and drive off in our recovered jeep. UAZ disabled, we could hardly move for all the zombies swarming us so my buddy tosses a grenade. Everyone's legs broken, the zombies eat us and later, when we regrouped and raced back to the now enemy camp everything interesting was gone. Thus a chain of stupid decisions on my part. But it was fun and hilarious and tragic. -
@ The OP I had Sarge's AI installed for a week or two. Enjoyed it much until I was killed several times in a row by bandit AI that I never saw or heard until I was bleeding out. You can remove bandit AI, tweak it to be easier, etc. I just got rid of it. The bandit helicopter borne AI seems to have superhuman senses at night, in fog, etc. Just a bit too frustrating in my opinion.
Daily Events on PvE server.
Saethkept replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Out of curiosity, have you modified zombie difficulty on your server? I spent some months modifying everything zombie on my server from their speed, damage dealt, headshot only, to increasing their spawn in speed and numbers. Unfortunately, my conclusion was that even with the aforementioned modifications, the zombies were still too easy, once a player quickly adapted to them. Hopefully the SA will return zombies to the forefront and the concept of a PvE server will pose quite a challenge in the minds of DayZ vets. -
Hey, Puk Welcome to the beginning of an obsession that will only end when you want it to ... well maybe not even then. Next time you find yourself spawned out in the boonies, don't give up. DayZ is all about survival - more poignantly put - it is a grand challenge and a dare that commands you to survive as long as you can. As you've learned, player interaction can be very unpredictable but never let that stop you from engaging someone in game. Other players - their quirks and deviances, their odd DayZ rituals, their false bravados, cyber cruelty and the measures they will sometimes endeavor to aid another all add something memorable to this game. You're just out to sea in an ocean that is unfathomable as it is addictive. Welcome to the show. Stock up your beans, load your magazines and sharpen your wit and cyber endurance; you're gonna need all of that and then some.
Sure. If by a high guy you mean you are running around mountain tops and ski resorts at altitudes well above sea level. A tip: those areas are quite lacking in suitable cover. Otherwise, I would have to agree with dulix11 and HerrJon.
How edit loots and unban weapons and vehicles on dayz.st server
Saethkept replied to ideaFake's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
http://opendayz.net/threads/100-custom-loot-tables-tutorial.8474/ Use this in conjunction with Rmod to add just about any weapon to your spawn tables to spawn in buildings. Do not worry with the Anim.pbo. That's something client side that would cause you much grief fooling around with. Most anything you want to do can be achieved server side via .sqf file override calls in your init.sqf. As for adding vehicles, use your custom spawn option in the Admin CP map. Just paste the class name of the vehicle you want into the field. Not all vehicles will work even with Rmod enabled, but many will. Also, there is much written about what you want to do over on the DayZ.St forums. -
I run a DayZ server. However, out of the need to get back to that old DayZ "you against the world" feeling, I've been logging in to other public and private servers. A few moments ago I joined a PvE or no PvP server and spawned in way out in the boonies - as far as that map is concerned. Thought I would give this no player killing thing a shot, even though I find it removes most all tension from the game. After just ten minutes experience, I must say I still do not comprehend the concept nor do I support it. I logged in and clock ticking, began to loot a small coastal town. I found an M9 and an M-16 in a firehouse and some food and drink and trinkets in a store. That booty secured, I headed north toward a waypoint 4km away. On the edge of a field I climbed a tree stand to look for ammo. Two Hueys buzzed by overhead, banked and come back my way. Suddenly, the world was alive with the snapping and popping of semi accurate incoming fire. So I thought to myself, 'PvE server my ***'. I switched to the M-16 and emptied a magazine into the cockpit of one of the oncoming birds. That one swerved off and ended up crashing into a nearby mountainside. The other looped back around. I climbed down and started running between trees toward the cover of the firehouse. Well the incoming rounds broke my legs and while I was bandaging my wounds, some kind of explosive device shot toward me from the bird blew me up. I've been playing for quite a while now and for the life of me, after logging many hours in the Huey, I have no clue what they killed me with. Anyway, that was my experience on a PvE server - first and last. How do you all feel about this no PvP concept?
Did I choose a good Area for a camp?
Saethkept replied to oilersuckshrek's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Trial and error. No matter your spot, it will be found sometime and either looted, razed or both. Your best bet is to move around every so often all your vehicles, etc. and to spread them out somewhat so that if one is discovered, you'll still have a fallback option waiting for you. Good luck. -
How do I play Dayz? Buy ARMA II : Combined Operations?
Saethkept replied to sean484848's topic in New Player Discussion
Easiest way is to purchase Arma2 and Operation Arrowhead on Steam. Then install DayZ Commander (a free program). From there, all you do is start DayZ commander and under the Install/Update tab, select the mods you wish to install. You'll want to download the latest version of DayZ and the Arma2 Beta. Then later if you like DayZ you can purchase PMC and BAF to get the higher res textures. All in all a very worthwhile deal. -
Silliest excuse for an Admin Ban.
Saethkept replied to devilsurn's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
One of the many common themes in DayZ is miscommunication - and it is a theme you come to recognize, experience and likely both not enjoy and possibly respect. Given the default tools available to us as players in the game, we are somewhat limited in how we can explain ourselves, make a case for mistaken actions and accidents and otherwise convey truth or logic to other players or server admins. In a real sense, I think that is an intended "consequence" serving to heighten the survival and isolation aspects of the game. However, it can also be plain frustrating at times. Early in my DayZ career I was banned from a private Namalsk server for possessing a banned weapon which I had found at one of the static helicopter crashes. I was the only one on the server driving around in a yellow Ural when an admin started accusing me of the aforementioned violation of his rules. I stopped the vehicle, and as politely as possible made my case. He ... or she replied several times that I had "x" number of seconds to explain myself or be banned. Regardless of what I typed in chat, the countdown continued and I was banned. These things happen to all of us at some point, but the good news is there are many, many other servers on which to play. -
I don't player kill either unless doing so is necessary. As well it was not my intention to criticize those who like to PvE only or run servers that do. More of a heat of the moment thing, over being attacked within minutes of joining a no PvP server. To each their own, I simply do not understand how a server admin would enforce such a rule in the first place. You'd almost have to have a protective dome over the entire map.
You might want to ask about this here: http://opendayz.net/
Did anyone else feel dayz felt cooler first time playing?
Saethkept replied to poodude28 (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The amazing thing for me about DayZ - unlike so many other PC games, and I have been gaming on the PC for over twenty years - is that it has never grown stale in the same way as most other titles. Take some of the coolest games in PC gaming history - Wolfenstein, Heretic, Doom, Falcon 2, 3 and 4.0, System Shock, Quake, Daggerfall, Baldur's Gate, Half Life, etc. - as revolutionary as some of them were, the fun always ended at some point and I put them down. Not so with DayZ ... yet. DayZ encompasses to some degree the ultimate in freedom in PC gaming - especially for those of us who for so long back in the 90's were used to the linear corridor shooter/RPG. It is a game with no save system, with a massive open world, where no two encounters are ever the same and most anything can happen. Now, I will admit that after about six months of play some of the magic is gone. So it is with any other PC game I've played, and yet DayZ keeps drawing me back in. There are certain weapons I have yet to find, towns I have yet to fully explore, vehicles yet to fly or drive. In short there's still interesting stuff to be done. Do I hope some new mod or the standalone can revamp that original feeling? You bet. Until then I will keep playing, quite fondly remembering all the while that first time I logged into Chernarus. -
Your reaction, OP was a good one. I also play hero mostly, but find myself increasingly prepared to react with overwhelming force to the slightest provocation. Sometimes, these days I crave conflict in game. Obviously, the wookies in the white car were out for blood and treasure ... your blood and treasure. Too bad you could not have just wounded them and then forced them to watch as you destroyed their ride and gear. Too many joy killers in game these days. Perhaps I experience too much joy over killing the joy killers, but I digress. Good show, OP.
I would like options to craft a few primitive weapons and items: - Arrows - Tomahawks - Spears - Fishing Equipment (line, rod, net, gig, hook) (provided that fish and the ability to catch them exist at some point) - A simple item of outerwear such as an anorak or poncho which gives some protection against the elements.
Wouldn't THIS spice up those lonely runs across the map?
Saethkept replied to JeffDetroit's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Interesting idea, but where would you put the gas? -
Backpack solution for big items?
Saethkept replied to taco241's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FSRyMh8QlM The dizzy, but easy way. -
Saethkept replied to {NCK} Lady_Lamp's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Canadian dollars? Aren't those the ones I can only use at a hockey game? Just joking ... I think this whole thing a pretty cool idea.