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Everything posted by Saethkept
What you guys think about the new update?
Saethkept replied to grimsonfart's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I too really like the update. Thank you R4ZOR49. "Zombies are annoying, aggravating, etc?" I am afraid that's code for "The zombies are too hard." FINALLY. -
To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7
Saethkept replied to NovaDose's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Good advice for the beginner, OP. The update does not change the game so much as to render it a different experience. Some of us had through modding months ago upped the difficulty of zombies via many variables. What the update does do well is impose a higher likelihood that a player will look and think before acting. Respect. DayZ deserves it, and through repetition of play, some had lost varying degrees of it for the game. As a side note, telling gamers who have been playing DayZ for many months how to play and what they are doing wrong is not a great way to present your opinion. Many of us had been begging for a more challenging experience. Here it is. Time to put your money on the table or give up. Survive. That's it. That's always been it. -
Adversely, a DayZ friend once angered me by aggro'ing every zombie in the area with his MK48; we both died. @G00gle, if you're a member of another gaming forum conducted your language, you ought to invite us so we can also use an online translator to help you understand us. Only then would you truly appreciate us the way we appreciate you.
The title of the game - DayZ - is perhaps a bit misleading. DayZ is about surviving a zombie like apocalypse but it's not really about surviving the reanimated, returned dead or about shooting other players for reward. It's an amalgamation of several types of games heavily influenced by the '28 Days Later' franchise and films such as 'The Road' and 'The Road Warrior' with a bit of 'Man vs. Wild' thrown in to the pot. An open world game driven by the terror of surviving actual zombies has yet to be created. Is DayZ a great game? I think so. Is it really a zombie survival or survival horror game? Not really. There's a vision that drives development of the mod - Rocket's vision - but that original idea has been hybridized over the course of its evolution by the fans and community dev team (who have done a nice job overall). What I'm getting at is, is that I do not think DayZ will ever be just about the zombies ... it's just not that kind experience; never was. I'd love the "zombies" to become the focal point of the experience, or for survival (scavenging) to be made truly difficult. Instead, the amalgamation of several concepts which I mentioned earlier will likely continue to guide the mod and standalone along that hybrid track keeping the game grounded toward what it has been, was intended to be. As for harder "zombies" in the mod (vs. in the stand alone), unless someone hard codes new AI behavior into the Arma2 engine, the constraints present will restrict what can be done to that end. Sure, you can make the zeds faster, stronger, etc. but they remain too easy to ignore. Where KoS is concerned, you'd have to do much more than change in game features ... you'd have to change the mindset of many of the players.
in dayz origins where is the action at ?
Saethkept replied to Isotonic1's topic in New Player Discussion
Well, Origins is set on Taviana, and on Tavi you can normally find players around the airports, in Sabina or Lypestock or crossing the bridge between islands. Also, there's a military camp in Novi Dvor - on the smaller island - that spawns really good stuff. Players usually hang out there. -
I agree with HMS that getting a glimpse behind the DayZ curtain i.e. learning how all the server and client code works can subtract from the experience somewhat. I suppose it varies from player to player. Just do a search on private DayZ server providers, choose one and go for it. Don't charge for gear - that would be my advice. Get a paper route instead ... if you want spending change.
Yeah, you're still a hero. Kind of like dropping civilian clothes after putting on camo. To look a hero like again you can off yourself and respawn with the hero skin. Humanity is persistent.
The number one issue my friends talk about is how the game has turned into kill on sight.
Saethkept replied to scaramoosh's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Personally, I think the game is great the way it is - speaking to the permissiveness of PvP. Really, for a free to play mod that has provided me with months of long play sessions, what DayZ gets right is amazing. Whatever remains that one might classify as unpolished ... well I get into quirks and foibles in PC games. They heighten the experience. Just pretend you're taking a stroll through a seventy year old minefield. But seriously, without bad guys or the freedom to be bad yourself from time to time, DayZ would lack something ... essential. I do not like KoS. However, from time to time I meet other survivors who I come to dislike even more than KoS. Thus the beauty of the freedom of choice. Just let the aspect you dislike most make you a better player by your own standards. DayZ is not about the game adapting to you. It is about how well you adapt to it in order to conquer adversity. -
DayZ is usually too fluid and situations unfold and end too quickly to change one's mind mid engagement. It's most often after the fact that doubt arises in my case. As for a recent change of heart? It was sardines only - for a long time. Then it was pasta. Now, I just can't decide with all of the new canned food to choose from.
What kind of player are you?
Saethkept replied to Maxwell(friendly)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I am a utilitarian sort. Lately I have had fun monitoring chat and other communications, responding sometimes to the needs of others - whether they ask for it or not. I like to fly people around. Buzz low over clan camps (sometimes strafing them with imprecise cannon fire). Run a taxi service. Run for parts other survivors need to fix up their various vehicles. Provide mysterious over watch. Run a few miles to give aid. Stock full a Ural with goodies and then park it in a busy area. I guess I enjoy unclaimed good deeds. Sometimes I get the hero skin and other times I loose it. It's due to a recent grim fascination with hunting down perpetrators of foolish and goofy behavior. But, everyone needs a hobby, right? -
Who Dosent Shoot Bandits On Sight?
Saethkept replied to -Se7eN-'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The problem is, these days not all bandits wear the the skin. More likely is that I will run into clan members who follow the policy of kill everyone that does not sport their initials. Those guys ... I have a sort of crush on them. In place of chocolates, I like to send them satchel charges. As for those who actually wear the bandit skin? I treat them like most any other questionable survivor. I shoot them in the leg. Whether I then approach them or not depends on what I have going on. -
Who is your best friend in Dayz?
Saethkept replied to G000gle's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
If this were a democracy, I would vote to keep G00gle around. I kinda like this guy. C'mon ... in DayZ, you are you're own and only best friend. That is, until you fall of a high enough roof or run your tractor into a tree. -
Disable all webcams now! When you look around Green Mountain <genuflects> <crosses self> Green Mountain also stares into you. Think 'The Ring' but polygons and pixels instead of VHS tape. This message was brought to you across the open, hollow, expansive depths of the web abyss at great personal risk. A vision of a transparent man wearing cut off jeans is the first symptom. I cannot mention the latter phases and the unspeakable chills that accompany them on silent wings, but suffice it to say <glances over shoulder> <slams home a 30 round mag>, you have been warned.
I sympathize, G00gle. People ... sometimes they just don't get it. Just do what you can, when you can and if other players misinterpret your actions fallback to taking care of number one.
Start a taxi service. Advertise in side chat. When someone asks for a ride, drive on over to them. If they start shooting at you, run them over. If not, give them a lift. A generous player will tip you at least some beans but I would not expect payment on a regular basis - nor would I demand it. You'll be surprised how much you can learn about the game and the behavior of others driving random strangers around the map. Come up with a catchy slogan, something like 'Chernarus Tours: we get you there under fire'. You're vehicle will get damaged and likely destroyed. You'll get ambushed and betrayed, but you'll also have a heck of good time making a name for yourself on that server.
It is the best of the standard off-road vehicles in my opinion. If you play on Taviana 2.0, the tan HMMWV is slightly faster and holds more gear. On Chernarus I like the HMMWV for scouting and driving over wooded mountains.
DayZ Origins is a modification of standard DayZ, set on the Taviana map for Arma2 . Origins includes house and vehicle building, a variety of different zombie types, an island inhabited by NPC's and other features. Just google it. Official DayZ is run and played on the public hive or main hive servers which are governed by very specific rules. You could search the forums here or PM a moderator for more specific details - the mods here are quite friendly. The equipment you find on one public sever will travel with you to others in the hive, but not to private servers. Private servers and hives are provided by many various server rental companies to any individual with the desire and funds to rent one, or are run by owners of their own server hardware. The rules on private servers are whatever the owner wants them to be, and depending on the provider, the tools available to private server owners can be very invasive to the player's experience in game. Equipment you collect on a private server is unique to that server. However, on private hives - a connected group of private servers run by a single server provider - your equipment will carry over from one to the next, within that hive.
My first experience attempting to be a nice guy.
Saethkept replied to muse9191's topic in New Player Discussion
I would say, based on around seven months of DayZ play time, that you will encounter more decent fellow survivors than bad guys. The problem with meeting and joining other gamers is borne on the winds of mutual paranoia. Paranoia in DayZ is a good thing ... it will keep you alive. However, paranoia can also make you do some spontaneously foolish things. Sometimes other players who shoot you down do so out of reflex or fear rather than bad intent. Don't give up on being a "good guy" just yet. Playing by a code of any kind of decency in this game entails risk on your part. Betrayal will happen from time to time, but taking a chance, meeting and making friends with genuinely trustworthy other players is very much worth it. In DayZ, just like in any other modern online multiplayer game, you will encounter a segment of players who feel compelled to "educate" you or correct your beginner mistakes by betraying you, or taking you out. Those guys normally complain the loudest when the shoe is on the other foot. -
If you're really in love with that character and/or his gear, you could wedge a nail clipper on the swim/run key. Make sure you're pointed at the shoreline first. Watch a movie. Come back to the game. You should be on land. it'd be nice if there were sharks or schools of Bluefish or some chomp chomp sharp toothed swimmer to do you in when you're out to sea.
I've never gone in for the dropping of weapons either. That said, don't worry about your grammar, OP. Many English as first lingua speakers fail to use or comprehend it reasonably well on the internet. The point of your account was comprehensible and that is all that matters. I'm on a Namalsk kick these days. Was listening the other day to a couple of groups going at it over the server teamspeak. One was holed up below ground in Object A2, the other wanted to join them. So the guys in the bunker set the condition that the guys above ground drop all their weapons before setting foot on the ladder. The negotiations went on for some time - it was quite dramatic and entertaining. I also play hero mostly, but for some reason, the banter between these two groups stirred something ... mischievous within me. So finally, after the above ground group agreed to drop their weapons, I made my way closer to the area. I had been rooting for the second group, hoping they would not give up their means of self defense, so I was slightly disappointed in their decision. Anyway, as soon as the second group descended into the bunker, the members of the first shot them down. Claiming to be a stray member of the group they had just killed, I pleaded with the bunker guys to gather around the base of the ladder so I could drop my weapons down as a show of good faith. I claimed to have a railgun. Yep, you probably guessed what happened next. A few grenades down the hole later, and A2 was mine to loot alone - along with seven corpses. Not a very heroic move, but at least someone came out on top.
Cool stuff to do with a helicopter
Saethkept replied to bfisher's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Accidental autorotation. Several times I have turned off the engine while in flight while too low to eject and survive. It usually ends with a broken leg and crawling away from the wreckage. -
I agree with you OP. Anything that pulls you up out of the fog of immersion in a game should be tossed out. I used to play on a first person only, no side chat, no waypoints Namalsk server. The experience was kind of like running blind but seeing more clearly what the game could be. I played a solo scout sniper type on that server, and the immersion value from stalking around the mountains, slipping stealthily in and out of towns and buildings was amazing. You could go for days and days without interacting with another player, although I often glassed many of them through my DMR scope and let them go on their way. Good times.
What's your most favorite part about Day Z?
Saethkept replied to KateUpton's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
It's all about keeping yourself on your toes, forgetting that and then realizing you've been letting your guard down the past hour. Something like panic, relief and fifteen minutes spent prone in some high grass usually follows. That's a feeling you just can't get in any other game. What else to I enjoy about DayZ? Finding a vehicle after hours of running on shoe leather is still like realizing there are presents under the Christmas Tree. -
Lets be honest: How many times?
Saethkept replied to krihelion's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Lots of times, honestly. It (DayZ) still boils down to a complex game of press your luck. Meaning one often tends, while playing the game, to extend oneself even against realization that the risk is much higher than the chance for survival - in a given instance. Zombies are the monkey in the wrench, the fly in the ointment, the John McClane in Hans Gruber's evil plot. So you've looted the NWAF, survived Stary, were victorious on Green Mountain ... no bandit or hero fired bullet could so much as scratch you. On your way back to camp to brag up your exploits, you collide with a pile of junk in the road and disable your blue van. You get out to have a look. Whack! One zombie just broke your leg, now it and five others are dining on your braggart rump roast - served very rare. Zombies kill us players often enough. Players not so often talk about it. -
To see how many times I can fly from one of the two main Tavi islands and back - in a Merlin - without slamming into the surf. For some reason, I always loose depth perception when accelerating vertically down to fly low over the sea between the islands. I'll make it a few times and then bam, another Merlin crashed and sinking to the ocean floor and me left wounded with a several kilometer swim.