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About OcelotRigz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. OcelotRigz

    Introduce yourselves

    Same as myself. Read about DayZ a few weeks ago and actually saved up, researched gpus, cpus etc.. and built my own gaming pc to play it. Been playing it the last two days, well practicing since im new to mouse and keyboard as well but getting the hang of it and really really liking it. As a console gamer, PS3, im finding the change to pc gaming very nice, especially the graphics and mods. Steam is a great service too and ive got some great bargains during the recent sale i.e Combined Operations for €7.49. I had a great but harsh experience today, was doing my best, about an hour in, server was seemingly full of friendly guys flying a chopper, getting better at sneaking by zombies, got to a barn, got myself a Enfield, heard some shooting outside, guy runs in followed by loads of zombies, i decide to help him out. After all the shooting, i look over to see him and bam he shoots me. Turns out he thought i was going to shoot him. Either way, the harsh brutality of this game kicked in and, as frustrating as it was to die after doing so well (relatively), i loved it. Long story short, im OcelotRigz on Steam. Feel free to add me on there.
  2. OcelotRigz

    First things first?

    Im new myself, but have played a few games so i'll answer what i can. 1. Either use DayZ Commander, you will have to download that, but very handy. Its that or go into Arma2 Operation Arrowhead and into expansions and switch on DayZ, then go into Multiplayer. DayZ Commander is much better in my few days of experience. 2. Go into a empty server i guess, ive seen them, but they will eventually fill up. I cant add more to that. 3. Dont know, Hope that helps, im sure a few veterans will answer all your questions with more depth.