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About Kalyzdar

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Kalyzdar

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey guys, 24 from London, England. Been playing this mod a lot recently, really enjoying it. Fifth time playing (respawned) and I really can't trust anyone haha, I always get betrayed or killed by someone random. Nevermind! My name in the game is Sasha, my steam is Kalyzdar (screen name is Dre4m). So yeah, hi! :)
  2. A: Your in-game name: Sasha B: Your condition/ailments (ex. Low on blood, sick, broken legs, in pain, passed out) Extremely low blood, passed out once already C: Your location - be specific (include nearest town and coordinates, if possible): North West Airfield on top of the tower in the middle of the airfield, above the hangars. Roughly 047 050 D: A general description of your character (wearing a ghillie suit, hero skin, bandit skin, normal skin, etc.): I think bandit skin, not really sure. Much love to Strazyplus and his fellow Medic, patched me up and all is well. Many thanks!