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About ironpants

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  1. QFT. 3DP allows others to see you without a chance to see them if they have the height advantage. CH:OFF enforces a more realistic delay for accurate shots. But moreso, cultivate situational awareness and stealth. You need to be aware of others before they are aware of you. Scan your surroundings whenever possible; my space key toggles freelook. Always put cover between you and the likeliest threat direction. This is the essence of survival.
  2. ironpants

    Where is the little bird?

    The MH-6 is unarmed, the AH-6 has guns.
  3. ironpants

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I'm getting extreme artifacting when looking toward the berezino military tents on my GTX570 with the 301.42 NVIDIA drivers. My video memory setting has always been 'default' and previously the only instance of (light) artifacting was walking along the warehouses at the Berezino docks. AA = off.
  4. ironpants

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If any medics need to stock up on antibiotics, I have multiple boxes available.
  5. ironpants

    In tents....

    Putting them up works fine, it's getting rid of them that's a problem! Because of the fiddly nature of placement, I ended up deploying / taking down one tent multiple times to get it in the perfect spot. Next day, there were tents in each location I had ever put one up (overlapping each other!). Does anyone know how to PREVENT tents from multiplying like rabbits?
  6. ironpants

    Tree of death

    I went prone in front of a tree on a slope at prud lake, backward crawled against it and then turned and instantly died (with broken bone / shock).
  7. I agree, the two key changes which would most contribute to DayZ are randomized loot locations and wandering groups of infected. Predictability should be avoided, but right now the threat that infected pose is mitigated by their locations being so predictable.
  8. ironpants

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    One big problem is that zeds are still attacking through walls (probably exacerbated by the increased attack range), which is very silly. I wonder, can players melee attack through walls? In any case solid objects should prevent this so that buildings provide a modicum of safety. Zeds also seem to aggro through walls and other solid objects.
  9. Zombies should not continuously spawn around players. Infinite zombies which pop into existence before your eyes as fast as you drop them = obviously broken mechanic.
  10. ironpants

    US 16 - Hacker Report

    dagon noticed a blank name in the player list at around 12:20am PST. I confirmed and promptly logged off to avoid getting killed; in my experience a blank name = hacker.
  11. ironpants

    Daytime servers are always overloaded.

    DayZ should not have a realtime clock; it should be about 5x realtime.