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About forusak

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. forusak

    Is this fps alright?

    Oh man, I just realized what was problem with my mouse look. The "smoothing" thingy in the controls, such a annoying feature
  2. forusak

    Is this fps alright?

    Draxx thx for the tip. I have just done that, but can't see any difference. Who knows if I did it right, because I have steam version. Anyway it seems to be a little weird to copy only dayz folder because u are running arma2 game with a little mod, not a dayz game. But those porn sites in the video have killed me :D
  3. forusak

    Is this fps alright?

    horrible yeah :D ok i'll try it if I find where to do so :)
  4. forusak

    Is this fps alright?

    alright no good news. I turned visibility to 500m, and no change, maybe 1-2 fps, who knows. The biggest problem is that delayed mouse look, that's so annoying, I'm used to low fps, I never had high end PC, but i'm not used to that mouse look :/ And i know, 30 fps in BF3 on very low setings is good, but I simply don't know where is the problem. The OC helped me a little bit with BF3, but i'm still on 100% cpu use and mentioned +-30 fps. Buy a new PC seems to be the only way out :/ Anyway many ppl are confused with my situation, almost everyone said that I should have far better performance in games with my pc setup. But i'm not a newbie in this, I tried everything what I have found. I wonder how arma 3 is going be optimized, what I saw there is going to be crazy graphic Anyway thx u all for ur responses
  5. I have tried some fps tricks, not much but few.. but I don't feel like anything helped. That performance is so bad that I don't even trust that something can help. I just want to know if this is right with my PC rig. Graphic settings - http://prntscr.com/kvjzl {on full-screen and same resolutions in both it was same as with this setup} FPS screenshot - http://prntscr.com/kvk4f PC HW - http://prntscr.com/kvk7w CPU is OCed to 3.5 ghz, arma process is on high prio. even in BF3 with far far better graphics and more players it's 30+ fps and smooth gameplay. In arma 2, dayz map specifically, except this fps it's far away from smooth, game have like 1 second delay, even with mouse look, so no, it's not lag. It's like i'm playing on a wooden pc... but i'm noot :/ or? Hey ppl with similar PC, how is ur gameplay?
  6. Alright I have found the solution, Maybe I'm new here, but you must agree that, it's weird that I have to install DayZ mod for SIX and Commander separately
  7. Hi i'm new in DayZ. I'm trying the solutions on the forum for the "stopped working" problem, But nothing is woking, and I don't think that it even can works. There must be a problem with Day Z Commander, because this problem appears only when I'm joining a server through this commander. It crashes instantly after the image with tanks. And one more thing, not that important, What Should I do if I want join a server where is lower version of the game? I have the newest one and server has 1.7.3. thx