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Everything posted by bobtom

  1. You can use Fraps, which is a free program. Print Screen doesn't work for ArmA 2 for some reason, which bothers the heck out of me.
  2. Question: Does the weapon nerf apply to the entirety of ArmA 2 CO or just the DayZ mod?
  3. bobtom

    g36c SD Camo

    And that's scary. What if you didn't know? And then you got banned for picking up a weapon off a random dead body. I mean seriously? Does this banning really happen?
  4. bobtom

    Steam sale broke this game.

    I appeared to be a bandit? All I had was a pistol and some beans, with no zombie or player kills under my belt.
  5. bobtom

    vehicles break too easily

    No ArmA is a game. Just a realistic one. Unless you don't want it to be realistic, then use gamey mods when you play. :)
  6. bobtom

    Steam sale broke this game.

    They can carry guns around, just not in public places. :D
  7. bobtom

    Steam sale broke this game.

    Well, when the mod first came out, I rarely, if ever, ran into bandits. Everyone I met welcomed me and let me play with them. Now... Well.. Things are different...
  8. bobtom


    You know, for a hacker. It would be so easy just to spawn a bunch of crates at loot locations and get a bunch of pubs global banned for just playing the game. I mean, how are you supposed to know it's a hacked crate?
  9. bobtom

    Steam sale broke this game.

    What you are saying is what a few people in the BIS forums say about the entire DayZ community. Referring to you guys as the "CoD kidz".
  10. bobtom

    vehicles break too easily

    If HE was the best driver, I wonder how you guys would have done. :/ At least tell him to slow down next time, lol.
  11. bobtom

    Full screen NVGS.

    I suppose it would be okay. But I don't think rocket has touched on it. You can try it and see if you can get into the servers, and if you can't then its obvious you can't. I'm not sure what type of mod detection Rocket has implemented.
  12. bobtom

    g36c SD Camo

    Yeah, your going to want to drop it. Even if it's a beautiful weapon. Look at the magazine, when you shoot the bullets inside it disappear as the mag empties! But yeah, drop it. Being banned is not fun.
  13. bobtom

    Is it just me?

    If you wanna shoot zombies and drive vehicles, play Dynamic Zombie Sandbox. Some people like the experience of running around.
  14. bobtom

    g36c SD Camo

    Nice gun though, eh? It's one of my favorites.
  15. bobtom

    vehicles break too easily

    You hit the door of a damaged Hummer object and popped your right front tire, I'm confused how this is too easily?
  16. You spawn in that red brick building because that is the center of the map. It is access via the following code: _cnps = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"); Every island in ArmA has this center position, and it is the place the following funciton: BIS_fnc_findSafePos (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?103108-BIS_fnc_findSafePos) dumps you when it cannot find another place.
  17. I've played some excellent battle royale missions on ArmA over the years. My best experience was on Utes with about 30 people. I ended up winning after multiple close calls and some pretty violent firefights. Alliances were made and broken and feelings were occasionally hurt. But that's the name of the game! I advise you guys try it some time!
  18. bobtom

    STANAG ammo

    Is the model for the ammo-box part of ArmA 2 CO vanilla or did Rocket add it into DayZ?
  19. bobtom

    SVD Camo or AS50/M107?

    I'd take the M107 any day. Why? Because I've had years of practice with it, both with zombies and in Coop situations. It also has the ability to shoot through enemies and hit enemies behind it, which is great for zombie situations of course. :D
  20. bobtom

    Should we be able to climb...

    If I understand Linda correctly, it makes every tree different from each other. This would make it nearly impossible to know where a branch would be on a certain tree. So the game wouldn't know where to sit when climbing. And you would probably need to use the attachTo command, which doesn't allow you to move around.
  21. bobtom

    More vehicles

    Difference is that my Dynamic Vehicle Spawning (DVS) system used in Wasteland took up a lot of network bandwidth. Wasteland is basically Dynamic Zombie Sandbox with the zombies taken out and with more RPG elements added. DZS is plagued by network issues because of the large amounts of CPU intensive zombies and vehicles. DayZ uses many more zombies than DZS, and I think Rocket's reasoning behind limiting the Vehicles is performance based.
  22. bobtom


    Sounds good to me.
  23. bobtom

    Is it required?

    This thread may help: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8020
  24. bobtom

    The things I have learnt...

    2. It is there to simulate not being able to swim with all that bulk and weight. Which is understandable. I've never swam with a backpack and guns on me, but I don't really want to try either. 3. I looked at the code back when it was first released, and I don't remember it allowing for players to escape after a certain distance like in Celery's zombies. But it could have changed since then or I missed it, because I was just skimming.
  25. bobtom


    Would they automatically be put into affect when in you gear? Or would it use a self-interaction dialog like in ACE? Also, they sure do help when your shooting, but it may result in not being able to hear zombies in the distance or other players far away.