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About MarksmanKing

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Public hive man. Is it a public hive? If so, which one is it?
  2. MarksmanKing

    underwater loot

    *cough* Far Cry 3? Anyhow; In a zombie apocalypse, who in their right mind would dive underwater?
  3. Hey guys, I recently flew myself ontop of the cherno hotel so that I could pick off bandits on sniper hill and on the two other sniping buildings. Turns out, a survivor from the ground decided to kill his savior. I'm looking for someone that can give me a ride ontop of the hotel so that I can go and grab my gear, thanks alot! ps; Yes, I know this probably won't get a reply, but if someone is willing to help that would be spectacular. <3 the heroes of chernarus!
  4. You haven't been listening to these people, you need to connect your monitor to your graphics card, because right now it's using an onboard chip which is most likely crap EDIT: Didn't see your last post. Make sure all your drivers are up-to-date.
  5. MarksmanKing

    Day Z Rituals/Traditions?

    Well, on Chernarus I tend to shoot an M107 or AS50 in the middle of Chernogorsk for no reason, and wait for the hordes of zombies to eat me. On Namalsk, I hop off the Tara Bridge. Yours is definitely funnier, but I wouldn't have the patience. ^^
  6. MarksmanKing

    What Should I Upgrade to Improve FPS Rate?

    I suggest upgrading your RAM, to either 4gb or 8gb.
  7. MarksmanKing

    What Happened? (Video)

    I'm 90% sure that was a hacker taking over your character.
  8. MarksmanKing

    New Member

    I have no idea why you would expect to learn about biology on a gaming forum. Also, you should try improving your grammar, scientists can actually spell.
  9. MarksmanKing

    Looking to start an advanced Namalsk squad!

  10. MarksmanKing


    Lol hey Zeus, it's Marks. :P Don't take my pickup or I'll hunt you down. :3
  11. MarksmanKing

    Selling rifles and machine guns

    I used to have an L85, but I constantly got kicked for having it so I just dropped it on a body and hid it.
  12. MarksmanKing

    Selling rifles and machine guns

    L85 AWS is a banned item now, you will most likely be kicked from all servers running Gotcha antihack. although you do not in any way risk a global ban, only server bans.
  13. MarksmanKing

    Helicopter Issues

    Well the helicopter takes TONS of fuel.. so it may look like it has no fuel, but I am sure it is filling. Make sure ALL the glass is fixed or it will leak gas. The INST is also important, use scrap metal to fix it. You most likely won't be able to fly successfully unless you fix it.
  14. MarksmanKing

    Looking to start an advanced Namalsk squad!

    Played with you a bit, but your not experienced enough for the group, denied.
  15. MarksmanKing

    Bullet zone tracking system.

    It's already like this except for the hand part. Hit a zombies legs, they break and then crawl. Hit their head and it's a one hit kill, chest is normal damage.