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Everything posted by grizzle

  1. grizzle

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Would I be wrong to assume that there's something slightly homoerotic going on here? Seriously, are these meets some sort of circle jerk or what?
  2. grizzle

    Post your highest kill count

    And here I thought the goal of this game was to see who could survive the longest.
  3. grizzle

    Who the F*** is The Man From The Woods

    He was the sweet baby jeebus all growed up.
  4. What's this? A bandit complaining about getting shot on sight now? Pity... NOT.
  5. Kids are back to school.
  6. Don't download any hacks/scripts for ArmA 2 and you'll be fine.
  7. If this is your personal experience then you are hanging around with the wrong people.
  8. grizzle

    Consoles eh?

    It can't. There was talk of bringing ArmA 2 to consoles on the BIS forums. It never materialized for obvious reasons. Consoles can't handle it.
  9. grizzle

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    What if I like goats more than ponies? Got any room for Broaties?
  10. grizzle

    Someone tried to rape me?

    ...and haven't reached puberty.
  11. grizzle

    My crazy theory about DayZ

    You could start by trying to state your point of view clearly and coherently. I just read two of your posts and I haven't a clue what the hell you're trying to say. Though methinks you got ass-reamed by a few snipers and came here to rant...
  12. grizzle

    Arma II updates

    Because they're the most dedicated developers out there.
  13. As another poster stated, do not start with ACE. It changes the base game mechanics far too much. Get familiar with vanilla then move to ACE once you are comfortable with the game. Personally, I tried ACE once for a very short while, then promptly uninstalled it.
  14. grizzle

    You know what is bullshit?

    You do realize that when you play DayZ that you are playing ArmA 2 right? The game is 95% ArmA and 5% DayZ.
  15. grizzle

    Will DayZ be Mac Compatible?

    Try getting a job in IT at a large company with your Mac skills. Truth is, Windows does everything including what Macs can and can't do.
  16. grizzle

    Will DayZ be Mac Compatible?

    I wouldn't bet money on an age old misconception. There is NOTHING that can be done on a Mac - graphics-wise - that can't be done on a PC. The fact that "creative" people choose Mac for video, graphics and publishing has nothing to do with capabilities and everything to do with marketing hype an misinformed users.
  17. Wall of text FAIL. Can't read it. Shouldn't you be out buying back-to-school supplies?
  18. You mean like the intellect it took to come up with that response?
  19. Serves you right for being a cheap ass sniper. They really need to remove sniper rifles from the game. If you want to PvP then you should be forced to do it up close and personal.
  20. grizzle

    Bandit skin is awesome

    Oh, it will. As a survivor I have never killed another player. But now I'll be far more likely to kill a bandit because I know they CHOSE to become one.
  21. grizzle

    Bandit skin is awesome

    Bandit skins = Live by the sword, die by the sword. Excellent addition to the game.
  22. grizzle

    So criticism not allowed here?

    Because people that claim ArmA 2 is shit are retarded. If the shoe fits...
  23. Achievements = the worst development in modern gaming. Followed by "leveling up" in FPS (leveling is for RPG's only) followed by leader boards.