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Everything posted by Malaclypse

  1. Malaclypse

    Server-Wide Killing/Hack

    Come on Valcha, you're going to die eventually. I was at about the same place you were the first time I got hacked, and I started over. Got up to around 1300 zed kills again after that, good gear, everything I could ever want, and then got raped by a buggy bush. Then I started again, got some good stuff, played for a few more days, finally found another GPS, then I got hacked again in the attacks yesterday. The reason behind my death sucks, but if a developer takes time out to respawn me with all of the gear, kills, etc. that I had, it's going to take time away from further development of the mod- up to and including figuring out a way to prevent hacks like this from occuring. I hope you'll realize that sometimes these things happen, unfortunate as it is, and the best thing we can do is report it, hope they catch the perp, and move on with a new life, because time, gear, kills- it's all re-obtainable.
  2. Malaclypse

    DayZ - Bush fire near Chernogorsk

    Saw this when a helicopter crashed in Elektro, pretty rad bug.
  3. Solution is to get rid of daytime completely IMO.
  4. Rocket made the game impossibly difficult? News to me. My number one cause of death is still hackers and bugs, not any game mechanics, zombies, or other players even. Hunger and thirst levels and the manner in which they decrease or increase could use some work, sure, but the game right now is still incredibly playable and enjoyable. Fire wood is prevalent, matches aren't too hard to find, food is all over the place and I usually have an overabundance in my pack to the point where I am seeking out injuries just to scarf down five cans of anchovies.
  5. Yeahh..... can confirm seeing stuff like this all the time, on multiple servers. Entrance to barracks, control towers, firehouse and other high grade spawn locations are being blocked with wire fencing kits, presumably so people can server hop and loot these buildings in relative safety. Unfortunate that there are bad apples abusing the obstacles like this.
  6. Malaclypse

    Server-Wide Killing/Hack

    Man, I lucked out/became an instant target at the medical camp near Balota airstrip. Coyote Backpack (24 slot), M4A1 with four magazines + tons of other crap. Getting re-geared is easy enough, point being- it's just frustrating to die not due to any fault of my own, not even because a door broke my legs or something silly like that. YodadaJew: I'm sure these incidents either are being or will be looked into- I mean, check out the darwin thread of permabans. Don't worry about justice being done, I'm sure it will be. As far as the developers taking time out of working on the mod to respawn you, me, and god knows how many other victims of the hack with all of our stuff? Not likely.
  7. Malaclypse


    Wait, is this stuff still supposed to be done in scroll wheel menu, or from the Inventory menu?
  8. Well, I'm surviving pretty well now without a woman, and don't plan on ever having kids. Seems legit.
  9. Malaclypse

    Never ending spawning zombies

    The spawns aren't bad when you are actively taking zack out as he runs at you, when you hole up in a building it provides easier targets, but as you noted, by the time the crawlers/monkeys get to you, more have spawned and will hear the shots. In a way this works towards discouraging abusing the zed mechanics walking indoors TOO much (pop in for a few, find a lull, move out to exterminate those still coming before more spawn).
  10. Malaclypse

    dayZ = hunger games :P

  11. Malaclypse

    Build Hotfix

    Yes! Totally reminds me of RE too, that had been bothering me since the launch of this patch, couldn't figure out why it was so familiar!
  12. Malaclypse

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Would be rad to add in tranquilizing features, hog-ties, handcuffs. Knock a bandit out, try him for his crimes, hang him etc. Totally a dumb idea, I'm sorry guys, I should go to bed.
  13. Malaclypse

    Compressed day/night cycle?

    Man, I've spent the majority of my 200 hours or so playing this mod doing so at night, with basically regular settings (brightness 1.2, gamma 1.4- use these settings during the day, too) and utilizing chemlights, flares, flashlights for night-time visual aid. I love it, and love the fact that servers run on 24 hour 1 to 1 ratio clocks. I really hope this doesn't change.
  14. Before this, my humanity was up to 8900 or so, a figure that I was pretty proud of as it's a hell of a lot easier to get (if not stay) negative. But I wound up playing with a buddy of mine, not using TS because it was low population and I figured we wouldn't run into anyway. Man, was I wrong. We were somewhere near Msta on a Hardcore server, when I heard Makarov shots being fired. I decided to go investigate and my partner followed with his CZ. Coming up to a rock wall in a field we took position overlooking a few outlying houses. There was some Coyote Pack wearing guy, lining up his Makarov and taking out zeds. As he lined up for a monkey coming towards him, I raised my Winchester and fired on him, blood flying out. He immediately ran behind the house, and our position was probably about 50m out. I went left up and around to the side of the road the house was on, my partner maintained position. The little bugger wound up peeking out from behind a corner and unleashing a flurry of Makarov shots, one of which hit me, before running full bore across the road with zeds chasing him and towards the woods. I switched to pellets and sent 6 scattershots his way, with at least a few of the projectiles therein hitting. We moved up to inspect his body- he appeared to be dead. Suddenly he lifts his head up! I guess he was just unconscious- I put one more in his dome, and we discover that he has a plentiful bounty of one can of beans, 3 makarov mags, and one empty water bottle on him. We hide his body and flee the scene, ashamed of hunting and killing this poor dude who was just starting out. I decided, well, your humanity is 8900 and what do you have to show for it? Hell, you can probably murder two, maybe 3 people in cold blood without getting a skin change. This event, just a few days ago, marked the first time I have ever killed a fellow survivor in cold blood. I can't feel too bad, because I'm pretty sure he was a russian player playing on NA servers to avoid night-time, so he had it coming :3
  15. Malaclypse

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    No way, when you die you should lose it, whether or not someone else can loot it. I mean, how is this any different than your beans? Or your gun? Or your GPS, backpack, NVGs etc? People will kill you for any of those things too, if that's their wont.
  16. Malaclypse

    Winny changes

    Seems fine, though I don't see why it was made somewhat weaker, louder, and lost the pellets. Pellets should've stayed!
  17. Malaclypse

    An open letter to the silent majority

    Nobody notices the humble people who are enjoying a game, because they're not the ones running their mouths 24/7 about every little grievance or minor annoyance or it-has-to-be-done-this-way-only-this-way attitude on the forums. You're rad, silent folks.
  18. Malaclypse

    Finally a reason for humanity

    No. Straight up punishment mechanic for negative humanity and reward for positive, no. Bad idea.
  19. Malaclypse

    We just beat!

    Rayman: Origins clearly best game.
  20. Malaclypse

    Drinking from wells

    Drinking from natural rainfall by talking in direct comms while looking upwards, please.
  21. Malaclypse

    The Bad Idea Thread.

    There are no unarmed civilians in Chernarus, nor are there any AI children/feral children. Add both.
  22. Malaclypse


    What Skin said should work, alternatively you can just spam whatever key you bound it to and make a funky surrender dance out of it. J J J J J J J J J J J J.
  23. Malaclypse

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    +1 OP would read again.
  24. Malaclypse

    Fireplace and tent placement

    Man, I even tried laying down in the forest and rolling over the brush to flatten the ground. My realism heart broke when it didn't work.
  25. "Don't shoot! All I have is a flashlight and medical supplies that I will give away freely!" *gets shot* I know that feel dude. I'm in no way a threat except for maybe blinding them, trying to play the role of a field medic, willing to lay down his life for others, and boy, do I ever do that a lot.