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About Marcas776

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Marcas776

    [1stCav] Ravenoak PMC (Open Recruitment)

    Are you affiliated with any other clans? No sir Can you work well in a squad environment? Yes sir If given a promotion would you step up to the occastion and lead your men/women? I will do my job to keep my men safe and ensure them a ride home. If one of our own is killed by another member what would you do? Depends, thats a tough question and alot to it, but if it was sheer betrayal then i would shoot the betrayer on sight as fast as possible. What role do you think you would best fit in a platoon (Assault, Suppor, Medic, Sniper, Pilot)? Support, Pilot Can you drive/fly (Trucks, Helicopters)? Yes, I can do both pretty well. Contact me on skype: imarcftw777 I live in US eastern time.
  2. Marcas776

    Swordsworn and Co. Warehouse

    Willing to trade my l85A2 AWS for something, message me on skype: imarcftw777 if you want to talk more about it
  3. Marcas776

    need guille suit and as50 ammo or a M14 with ammo

    i have an m14 with ammo i will trade for an atv. contact me on skype imarcftw777
  4. Marcas776

    trading FAL NV or m14 for ghillie or DMR

    Ill take a car, contact me on skype my username is imarcftw777
  5. Hey guys I recently obtained a FAL NV with 3 mags, and i dont want it so if you would like to trade a ghillie or DMR or another sniper for it, ill be glad to do the trade. I also have an m14 aim that i might be willing to trade.
  6. 1. Are you affiliated with any other clans?: No ​2. Can you work well in a squad environment?: Yes 3. If given a promotion would you step up to the occasion and lead your men?: Yes, I will do my best to keep my squadmates alive. 4. If one of our own is killed by another member what would you do?: Punish the shooter, either by death or exile from the squad. 5. What role do you think you would best fit in a squad (Assault, Support, Medic, Sniper, Pilot) Sniper, Pilot 6. Can you drive/fly (car, helicopter)? Yes Contact me by skype: imarcftw777