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Everything posted by Mulix98

  1. i woud really join because i hate to be an lonely wolf at the game. but are the clan playing on private servers or public servers? i have 8 months of experience with all types of things. i am fearless of going into bases or city's with snipers and armed players. i can easly remember cordinates and know where all things spawn and spawnrate of it. i can drive cars go to combat ,snipe and scavenge. i have a gamer pc and enthernet at 20mb per second and have almost only max 50 ping on whatever servers. so i am not going to lag.
  2. IGN: Mulix_TDM Age: 14 How mutch experience?: 8 months with Flanking,combat,sniping,driving & scavenging. i have never been scared of running into city's/ Military spots with sniper & other players, and often comes out alive with some guns or other equipment/recourses. i have almost learned half of the map in my head and can come almost everywhere with only an map and compass. Skype name: Stian.vatnaland Do you have teamspeak: Yes
  3. Mulix98

    old post

    Name: Stian Vatnaland in-game: Mulix98/ Mulix_TDM age: 15 skype id: Stian.vatnaland steam id: Mulix98 experience: 6 months of gaming skills: Combat,scavenger,Driver & Assult/medic prefered role: Flanker favorite weapon: m4a1 cco SSD/ alle assult rifler er ikke redd for å springe ned i byer og militærbaser selv om det er snipere og andre personer i området. klarer lett å se folk og andre ting fra avstand. Jeg vet også hvor man kan få tak i ressurser og andre ting. jeg kan over halve kartet i hodet og kan lett finne biler og andre kjøreutstyr etter en restart av serveren. men jeg vil joine dere siden jeg er lei av å spille ensomt og vill ha noen folk å teame opp med ;)