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Everything posted by msconfig

  1. Server restart to add some custom anti cheat/hack measures. Server will be up right!
  2. DayZ.st server hosting is the way to go. If you have any doubts, search for them on here or on google. You will find thousands of satisfied customers!
  3. Need to get that new rig it will help your disconnection problems :)
  4. Panthera server is up! Come check it out! Fresh map as of 12/25/12
  5. Panthera server is almost ready, if anyone has any suggestions please let us know!
  6. Yes, please log onto our forums Roshambo. On a sidenote we are getting ready to open our second server, so we are looking for admins again! If you are interested, send us an app on http://fadetoblackgaming.enjin.com/
  7. Had some hackers come in just now, sorry for the inconvenience to our recent new players. Everything was rolled back and they should all be banned from the server.
  8. We are looking for clans, but lone wolfs are also welcome here. Come check us out! We will be running various events this weekend.
  9. Kicked "Zeronine" for voice over sidechat. This just annoys everyone in the server, its not allowed here.
  10. Will be having another bandit convoy tonight. Yesterday the bandit convoy ran around the map twice i think without getting stopped. Had some lag issues last night with the server hosting company, but they claim it should be resolved now so tonight should be fun!
  11. Had a pretty epic chase with Michael and his crew last night. They ended up blowing our chopper out of the air and then continued to shoot me in the face. Come on guy that isnt very nice :(
  12. With the server growth we have had lately, we are accepting applications for staff again on our website. http://fadetoblackgaming.enjin.com/
  13. Well i died multiple times. Good fun. Damn you Winch!
  14. Thanks Koba! 24 people on , come check us out and get geared for the night :)
  15. Ramb, still having this problem? I'm in-game now.
  16. Klen castle/scrap yard is going to be a place to check out at night. Some pretty decent chances to find good loot in here, with a few surprises! The "Murder House" will be pure insanity. Good place to find vehicle parts, but don't come in here alone. Lot of close quarter combat and DayZ rage quitting will ensue here.
  17. The castle Komplex is referring to is pretty damn awesome. Also a good place to check for ghillie suits/camo clothing. Come check it out!
  18. We have added more vehicles to the map. Now, more are spawning on the coast for beginner players. If a vehicle has no activity in 5 days, it will be removed from the map.
  19. Event is over. Bandit convoy made it to Elektro before being blew to bits!
  20. Now is a great time to gear up for the events this weekend. Come check us out.