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Everything posted by mr.c

  1. mr.c

    Ban on the server de 2271.

    Admins can ban for illegitimate weapons
  2. No. Should not be removed. People who disagree and think it should be removed should play a different game like L4D or find a toolbox and quit whining like a child. The barbed wire serves its purpose which is to keep players out. It does not need to be removed and people need to learn to quit complaining and just deal with it. If there is barbed wire, someone has put it there to prevent players.
  3. mr.c

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Instead of keeping your character there after you log out, why not a "Remain still for 10 seconds before you can log out" thing?
  4. Here is an idea - stop bitching and enjoy the game.
  5. Deal with the current night system or don't play the game. If you can't play the game then don't ruin it for others.
  6. mr.c

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    I hate it when kids whine about barbed wire and how much of an "obstacle" it is - DUH! THATS THE WHOLE POINT. Deal with it, don't whine about it.
  7. mr.c

    How well geared are you?

    Everything I need.
  8. Then if they can't play at night, don't. Nobody is forcing people to play in the dark. What if they want to, but its "too dark"? Tough luck.
  9. mr.c

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    Use toolkit. Stop whining. /thread
  10. mr.c

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    Its part of the game. Lets get over it.
  11. To be honest I find this mod more fun than any other game.
  12. mr.c

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    Whine all you want about game mechanics because it does not suit you but it's still there.
  13. Exactly! It is realistic. I guess incompetant kids will allways find things to whine about though.
  14. Nah, it's actually pretty accurate. The night in game represents night in reality accuratly - maybe you're not good enough to play DayZ
  15. mr.c

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    Its part of the game and it is realistic. If you do not like it then perhaps DayZ is not the right mod for you.
  16. mr.c

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    This looks promising.
  17. mr.c

    Starting with tools? Your thoughts..

    The current starting gear given is , I think , the best. This way you spawn with nothing and you have to work for everything - It is more fun and rewarding.
  18. I like it at night. It is realistic and makes the game more fun. After all, if we could see as well at night as we could in day whats the point?
  19. mr.c

    Spawning in Barren Wasteland?

    It seems fairly rare to encounter this bug but when you do you just gotta deal with it by joining Canada 2. It's the only way.
  20. I use fraps and am not banned.
  21. These screenshots were taken on 4pm 24/6/2012 1. http://i.imgur.com/AFfMp.png 2. http://i.imgur.com/XS0Ne.png Before the server was locked I tried joining and was kicked. This is unfair and it is people like this who ruin the game for others and to be honest, these scum do not deserve to be able to host a server. Update, more screenshots: 1. http://i.imgur.com/k3hOA.png 2. http://i.imgur.com/iCkPL.png 3. http://i.imgur.com/RgIGV.png 4. http://i.imgur.com/d3aIm.png 5. http://i.imgur.com/Zu21d.png Thank you.