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58 Good

About Sozinho

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
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    The end of the alphabet
  • Interests
    Women. This is a dating site, right?
  1. Am I the only one concerned that his character started to feel thirsty as he took blood from someone?
  2. Sozinho

    Punish death

    They might encourage kill on sight because people wouldn't want to die even more than before
  3. if they had any skill they wouldn't play on a server that gives you free gear
  4. Sozinho

    Remove zombies.

    Troll harder
  5. Sozinho

    Why i am still scared of green mountain

    Oh shit I live in Vermont Now I feel like the Green Mountain ghost is coming for me irl ;_;
  6. IMHO less devblogs but faster development is a plus because when the game is released there will be more for the player to explore and figure out themselves rather than seeing it through a devblog and knowing it from the start. Also the game gets released faster :)
  7. On the topic of the zombie sprint attacks, couldn't they just ram into you at full speed and knock you over instead of doing some complicated and difficult to produce swing?
  8. Sozinho

    Player Revive idea for standalone.

    If a defib or something similar is implemented I'd hope you could only use them in certain situations. For example, there's no point trying to defib someone if they got shot right in the heart
  9. Sozinho

    Dirt and blood on body and clothing

    What are you talking about? I haven't given you any fairy fee backs
  10. The term "balancing" and "nerfing" do not apply to a game like dayz. Everyone has an equal opportunity to get these "over powered" weapons, so it is naturally balanced by the ability of the player
  11. Seems like a sick place to set up a base. Get some helis on their and you're set by the way the tumbler link is wrong
  12. Sozinho

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    People seem to be forgetting that they can still just play the mod
  13. Sozinho

    Best gun for player hunting

    The crossbow if you're a badass
  14. Sozinho

    Hero and bandit leveling.

    What happens when their inventory is full?
  15. Pretty sure this will be better in the standalone because with zombies not despawning they'll be able to wander all across the map