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About kirbies

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  1. kirbies

    Am I not healing due to a glitch?

    Make sure you are not sick. Take antibiotics/Alchohol
  2. kirbies

    Can I use a Saline IV on myself?

    Are you sure? I have not been able to, if so, how? I hope if you can't rocket will implement it, make it take alot longer then when someone applies it to you. Maybe 30-60 seconds?
  3. The same thing will happen in SA as the mod. Vast majority of servers, including public hives will have TP. A much smaller number will be FP only, but those servers will be alot less populated.
  4. Well.... That is something ridiculous that i would never normally do but if I knew ieverything would get reset anyways very soon I would go for it
  5. I just use that to show there is nothing I can really do to improve my current gear. There is a patch coming soon it was planned to be before xmas but it will be a little late since rocket and his team are having the holidays off. The patch is currently only on experimental servers. It includes the revolver and a fix for dissapearing bodies when d/c
  6. kirbies

    no topics on this yet? really?

    Honestly nowadays I think Christmas is more of a cultural thing then religious thing. Atleast in the states
  7. If so i probably should get out of my bush on my end game geared character and force feed people food and stuff untill they are healthy
  8. kirbies

    no topics on this yet? really?

    Are you really getting offended from that over the internet
  9. It has happened about 3 times today now. Each time I think it was when i went to a different server when the other one crashed/got empty
  10. kirbies

    Saline Bag and IV Start Kit Help? Please!

    Oh yeah i think it came with it ill try it now
  11. kirbies

    Saline Bag and IV Start Kit Help? Please!

    My saline bag is 1 slot and my IV Starter kit is 2 slots. when i drag them on the other nothing happens. do i need multiple bags or something?
  12. kirbies

    Saline Bag and IV Start Kit Help? Please!

    Im trying to craft a "saline bag" with a "IV Start Kit" by dragging them onto each other but it does nothing?
  13. So I read online on the wiki that if you combine a Saline Bag and IV start kit you can use it on a player to restore their blood, but when i try to combine them it dosent work! Am I doing something wrong?
  14. I have a i5 3450 quad core 3.1 ghz that can turbo boost up to 3.5 ghz Radeon HD 6870 1 GB 16GB of RAM Im on 1920x1080 and on low settings, i usually have 50-60 fps, but when i get in a city or so it drops to 30-40!! Is this normal? I thought my PC would be able to easily mantain a constant 50 fps