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Everything posted by DayzForumer

  1. DayzForumer

    "Broken leg" For no reason!

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/173065-you-are-dead-for-no-reason/ You already have a thread, use this instead.
  2. DayzForumer

    im generally confused

    Learn to use maps and generally find your way around. This isn't the mod, you won't start with anything but a light source and clothes. 40 minutes in the dark? Why didn't you just switch server? It's realtime, a real day ingame is 24 hours in real life. The game isn't hard, if you know your way around you can get geared up in about 30 minutes.
  3. DayzForumer

    Trading Post

    No need to have a trading thread, Steam already has one. http://steamcommunity.com/app/221100/tradingforum/ (Keep using this thread for all you want, just giving you guys a tip. :D)
  4. DayzForumer

    Hide Interface/Toolbar

    The § key.
  5. DayzForumer

    Remove the breathing fog

    Thanks. I think it's redicilious how easy it is for the breathing to go through a wall, and give away your position.
  6. DayzForumer

    Player speed and spawn points

    18 km/h, I presume. All along the coast and up north sometimes.
  7. Actually, just stay on the ground.
  8. DayzForumer

    Why Arma 2 Engine?

    Welcome to the forums. I don't think the standalone uses the Arma 2 engine, I think it uses the Arma 3 engine, as far as I know. (take on helicopters?)
  9. Why don't you just server hop for it? You seem to have done a great job at it so far. Edit: Seems you posted in the wrong section. The mod doesn't have TTsKO or pristine parts.
  10. DayzForumer

    Leather Jacket

  11. DayzForumer

    KoS is the worst thing in the dayz?

  12. DayzForumer

    FPS Lag with ,,good" computer

    Internet doesn't cause FPS lag, your computer does. It only causes rubberbanding and ping-lag.
  13. DayzForumer


    The Last of Us you can play as a child. She gets stabbed, shot, raped(?) and other brutal things, none of those has brung lawsuits.
  14. DayzForumer

    I feel like someone is watching me.. wtf?

    New anti-hopper message, don't worry.
  15. DayzForumer

    DayZ Alpha - How is it possible?

    What the hell are you babbling about?
  16. DayzForumer

    Reloading/ Eating

    Stop playing on high ping servers.
  17. DayzForumer

    deleting posts

    Why would you ask this in the general discussions? Go to New Player Discussions.
  18. DayzForumer

    Turn on post processing

    He didn't make the video, Merino did...
  19. DayzForumer

    The current implementation of the logout timer is trollish.

    You could log out while someone is hunting you, and rejoin, 5 km away from the bandit. That's how it can be abused.
  20. DayzForumer

    The current implementation of the logout timer is trollish.

    Being ingame at all time is just going to make people stop playing the game. No-one can go on and play DayZ 24/7 so a bandit doesn't kill you.
  21. DayzForumer

    Stuck in a rock!

    Wait until starvation.
  22. DayzForumer

    I would like to report a server. Not sure where to go

    Also, you cannot report servers after their name. It could just be a scare tactic, There was a server that said "JOIN = DELETE CHARACTER". If the motd however says so, or you get kicked, you should report them. However, try to report it to the server host anyways. Cheers.
  23. DayzForumer

    I would like to report a server. Not sure where to go
