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Everything posted by DayzForumer

  1. Robbaz feeds someone rotten food, steals his clothes, and then he combat logs. What a wuss. :P watch?v=ApvJ4Hsi8qM&t=6m50s for it to work.
  2. DayzForumer

    Person combat logs because he doesn't like rotten apples

    He's Swedish. Quite fun to watch sometimes.
  3. DayzForumer

    ideas for buildings and equipment and secret places.

    Do it yourself. You created the thread.
  4. DayzForumer

    Hardcore and Normal?

    What's the difference + Will my normal char be there if i go for hardcore? :D
  5. DayzForumer

    Next time I will kill every girls

    Kill on Sight. Is it so hard to learn?
  6. Wow. QQ more. α is for alpha.
  7. DayzForumer


    No-one uses attachments anymore, they use imgur and easy-to-handle image sources.
  8. Lol. It's just a 30 second delay, not 300.
  9. DayzForumer

    Am I Stuck In Purgatory?

    Already reported. Wait for the next update.
  10. DayzForumer

    Static noise when logging in?

    I logged into a Normal server and I heard some static noise. Like this: Log in. Weapons reloading. *KZZZ* *KZZ KZZ*. What causes this and how can I fix this?
  11. You know scenecomplexity? I have it at 50000. It reduces polygons. Anyways, it priorities rendering polygons on players and buildings, and not trees and other unnecessary things. Isn't that good? You have no lag, but you can still see buildings and all that in the distance.
  12. DayzForumer

    Static noise when logging in?

    Scares the shit out of me too.
  13. DayzForumer

    Why do newspawns even try?

    I mean, why do newspawns even try? 5 bullets to their chests and they're dead. Stop taking the chance. It's not worth it. Go up north, get geared. Stop wasting your time on trying to kill people. Avoid them instead. Don't hate, i'm just trying to give tips.
  14. DayzForumer

    Logging out after dying

    Nope. Battleye and VAC will notice it and give em' the ol' ba'hammr.
  15. DayzForumer

    CCSD, Investigation request.

    Guys. Stop. This is general discussion. Stop. Not a roleplay thread. Stop. End.
  16. DayzForumer

    How do you do the "pointing to" emotion?

    Are you screwing with me, Max?
  17. DayzForumer

    Hardcore and Normal?

    i agree
  18. DayzForumer

    Logging out after dying

    You remind me of someone. On-topic: Yeah. It happens. Has something to do the "things you own" disappear along with your connection. If you disconnect, your stuff disconnects too.
  19. DayzForumer

    Why do newspawns even try?

    >implying i'm psisyndicate
  20. DayzForumer

    Overdose from Saline Bags

    One saline bag every (suggest time) minute(s)/hour(s). Wouldn't this be a good thing instead of being to be able to abuse saline bags to get full blood? Blood Bags can be used how much you want, for obvious reasons. Discuss.
  21. 20 minutes connection time? Bullshit. This is what the mod had and people became furious about. Why would we want to bring it back?
  22. DayzForumer

    Hitting prone players?

    It's a known glitch, it'll get sorted.
  23. DayzForumer

    Why do newspawns even try?

  24. DayzForumer

    Remove the breathing fog

    I mean, really? Is it -4 celcius inside a house? Outside on a summer day? No. It isn't. So there should be breathing effects.