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Everything posted by DayzForumer

  1. DayzForumer

    Server login timer is F***ed.

    >having a smartphone >having flappy bird >bragging about highscore no-one gives a shit about just, fucking no
  2. DayzForumer

    How do I turn off sunbeams?

    They blind me and are too bright. Feels like looking into a floodlight.
  3. DayzForumer

    I need help

    There's no map ingame until you find one. You spawn randomly, everyone doesn't spawn in the same town. We don't even know what town you are in.
  4. DayzForumer

    Parkour in DayZ

    everyone isnt 500 lbs of tank muscles and spring pads for legs, just average people
  5. DayzForumer

    You know sceneComplexity?

    Yeah. It reduces the amount of pylogons onscreen at the time. 100000 is the lowest you can go ingame, but the .cfg allows you to go down even more. Anyways, it's a good thing to improve FPS and you should lower it if you have problems in cities etc. It doesn't render trees in the distance if you have it too low. (I think.) Never mind, it just prioritises like this: Terrain. Buildings. Players, vehicles and NPC's. Bushes, trees and greenery.
  6. DayzForumer

    You know sceneComplexity?

    >asking about the mod on the standalone forum topkek
  7. DayzForumer

    You know sceneComplexity?

    I'd rather have over 30 fps than being shot with 10 fps.
  8. DayzForumer

    How do I turn off sunbeams?

  9. DayzForumer

    How do I turn off sunbeams?

    Then it's their fault for having an IQ under 50.
  10. DayzForumer

    Post your PC specs, in game settings and FPS here

    >people whining that "40 fps is shit tier fps pls fix game" anything above 30 is god tier
  11. DayzForumer

    You know sceneComplexity?

    Why wouldn't it be allowed? And they are talking about deleting the .pbo's, not cfg's. Pbo's contain textures and models, deleting it removes all of the models and that in the game, changing the cfg is completely fair and legal.
  12. DayzForumer

    player render distance

  13. This isn't CoD, go somewhere else.
  14. DayzForumer

    Toothbrush travel kit, adding a health system

    Stop. No times five million. Just, stop it. This has been suggested countless times before and it will just make the game too realistic. This isn't a simulator, it's an MMO.
  15. DayzForumer

    Cannot enter medical building with broken legs

    Well, they could just fix it...
  16. DayzForumer

    Post your PC specs, in game settings and FPS here

    2.1 GHz Dual Core AMD AMD Radeon HD545v 4 gigs of memory Settings: Lowest, and tweaked beyond measure.
  17. DayzForumer


  18. DayzForumer

    Grenades in DayZ,what you think?

    oh snap
  19. How do I fix this?
  20. DayzForumer


  21. DayzForumer

    "NO PvE servers" says the rules.

    >zombies shouldn't be punchbags
  22. DayzForumer

    "NO PvE servers" says the rules.

  23. DayzForumer

    Low fps

    I like your username.
  24. DayzForumer

    Upon clicking "play" (server list), game crashes

    "deleted the be folder" wow, good job, now you won't be able to join a server overall