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Everything posted by DayzForumer

  1. DayzForumer

    Better graphics

  2. DayzForumer

    My "butthurt" post

    Still want that reply for my post. :x
  3. Can't you just add a small island of the coast?
  4. DayzForumer

    My "butthurt" post

    "Can't check map." "Can't spawn vehicles." "Can't spawn weapons." Truth hurts, doesn't it? Also, heres an extra
  5. I don't understand why you never learn to advertise in the right place.
  6. DayzForumer

    DayZ Commander error updating

    I have already answered your question and think this doesn't need to be discussed further.
  7. Please stop using invisible text, it's bugging me.
  8. I don't understand anything, could you explain a little more detailed?
  9. DayzForumer

    DayZ Commander error updating

    He said he had problems DOWNLOADING files, not playing the game.
  10. DayzForumer


    Is this serious? Use DayZcommander or Steam.
  11. Stay on-topic, please.
  12. Why is the text colored black? Anyways, have you downloaded any suspicious hacks/"FPS boosters" from YouTube? If so, your key may have been stolen.
  13. DayzForumer

    DayZ Commander error updating

    This isn't the official site for help with DayZ Commander. Seek help here: http://forums.dayzcommander.com/
  14. DayzForumer

    Script Restriction setpos #0

    Are you playing on a public hive? If so, try to suicide. Are you playing on a private hive? Ask an admin to kill you. (Setpos, refering to that you aren't in the map or something.)
  15. DayzForumer

    Yo! I Got Some Videos

    "It probably looks like i just joined the forum to promote my account (somewhat true)" I have heard enough.
  16. DayzForumer

    What would you recommend?

    Congratulations to getting in the Community Support. :D
  17. DayzForumer

    Player Revive idea for standalone.

  18. I'm to lazy to press "Show votes" everytime I update the page.
  19. DayzForumer

    Ghillie dude at stary....

    AS50 is utter shit.
  20. DayzForumer

    amazing Taviana server!

    Advertise your servers in the private hive section.
  21. DayzForumer

    Best Weapons?

    AS50 :trollface:
  22. DayzForumer

    It's "an" not "a' RAZ0R

    You only use AN for AEIOU, nothing else.
  23. DayzForumer

    Get hurt in heli/plane

    No. /lock
  24. DayzForumer

    What you guys think about the new update?

    >using the implying sign to explain stuff to me Learn your facts before you start to harass others.
  25. DayzForumer

    Any streams of DayZ today?

    Also, no there will NOT be any streams.