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Everything posted by DayzForumer

  1. DayzForumer

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Nope. Jungle boots have existed for a long time.
  2. DayzForumer

    Morgan Freeman needs a Boat

    >Implying everyone has a Girlfriend.
  3. DayzForumer

    DayZ should have an inventory similiar to CoP

    Hmmmm. Why not? Type a constructive feedback instead of being one of those "it's an alpha XDDD le meme 4chan 4evrr lollllll"
  4. DayzForumer

    Killed by zombies = become a zombie

  5. DayzForumer

    Doors - randomly open / closed on server reset

    Welcome to the forum! I like this idea, it could be very immersive for the game currently.
  6. DayzForumer

    Character roll-back after new patch?

  7. DayzForumer

    Weird mic echo...

    Wrong section, this is for STANDALONE, NOT the mod. Also, I don't know what causes it. Are you using headphones? Could be the cause.
  8. DayzForumer

    Kicked to windows (TAB+MB4)

    Why do you press Tab and M4 at the same time?
  9. DayzForumer

    Servers down?

    To everyone with ~50 posts, learn to use the search button. It's magical.
  10. DayzForumer

    Thoughts on the new patch

    The map can't be downscaled, it would break everything. Stop playing the game if you can't handle running. And for the "lost my stuff", stop playing on private hives and hardcore.
  11. DayzForumer

    Dumb question...

    Because admins can't configure their servers correctly.
  12. DayzForumer

    game not saving?

    Instead of being an ass and just telling him to use the search button, which he probably will in the future, you could help him a little instead of delaying the thread.
  13. DayzForumer


    And what is the point of this thread exactly?...
  14. DayzForumer

    FPS Question

    It's a mod. Mods tend to do that.
  15. DayzForumer

    Poisonous Berries

    How about berries that give you the familiar message of "you feel warm shit running down your leg?
  16. DayzForumer

    Do this game have SLI support ?

    @OP; Your signature hurts my eyes.
  17. DayzForumer

    Silenced Weapon

    This isn't BF3. This isn't cod. Melee weapons don't have and never had any kind of "silencers". 1 hitting is op. The fists are op even at this time.
  18. DayzForumer

    Different kind of hacker

    Wait. You can edit the game files? Wow.
  19. DayzForumer

    Missing Content

    Wrong section. This is troubleshooting for the Standalone. Steak and Potatos is friendly enough to help you. :D I'll help a little: Use DayZ Commander, and join the server you want to.
  20. DayzForumer

    Realistic Vehicles & Physics Engine and Loot Suggestions

    No. It is an unfinished product. It has almost no vehicles and the wheels are made of ice. Also guess the price it would cost to use their cars? The game would also have to use their engine. That is enourmous amounts of money.
  21. Is it 5000? 500? 1000? I'd like some clearification.
  22. DayzForumer

    What is the max blood level?

    Read my member title. :x