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Dunk (DayZ)

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About Dunk (DayZ)

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  1. Dunk (DayZ)

    Seattle 30 "Official Day/v/" server

    Ban everybody from Seattle 30 and 65, problem solved.
  2. Dunk (DayZ)

    My 2 cents

    Zombies: All we need is zombies that run in a straight line, not in a retarded zic zac. Buildings: Buildings just need no invisible walls for the zombies. "Player: That's the only point i can agree, and add a fuction to the knife of killing wild life with the menu options, that will encourage new players to get the fuck out of Cherno/Electro if they are low in blood and also gives them better chances to survive with no gun. Interactive Items: It can be done, but right now there is no need for it. Chat: I have more fun in servers with side channel activated than in servers with no side chat, it's fucking boring walking around for 3 hours with no human interaction, since let's face it there is no much to do in the game at this point, realism has no space in games, this game it's not realistic at all, stop pretending it is, it just doesn't have the features most games give us now days that make the games way to simple, this game is somewhat hard but not realistic.
  3. Yeah it would be a good idea. And seems like the script that removes script spawned weapons isn't working, i lose my G17 and M4A3 CCO and got a makaroni instead, and both of them were picked from the militar tents by my self, oh! also lost my GPS and Stretching tools. Edit: Oh! and the zombies can spot you from like 50m away even if there are building between you and him and no LOS.
  4. It can run it but i don't think it would be a pleasant experience, so why don't you download Arma II Free and test it by yourself?
  5. Dunk (DayZ)


    Inb4 ding dong bannu.
  6. Dunk (DayZ)

    Can't use Side/Global Channel

    Yay! more kill first don't ask questions later.
  7. On a second tought: Yes It would encourage groups of survivors to stick together with the guy that has a gun at least while looking for more weapons, and thus making "friends" to play during the start, unless the guy with the gun is a faggot like 90% of the current user base and kills every survivor with no gun for fun, or because he is a greedy fuck.
  8. No. Instead remove makaroni and add the crossbow as starting weapon with bolts in your backpack, good for zombies, bad for death match, also it fix the lader bug.