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the musical fruit

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About the musical fruit

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    On the Coast
  1. the musical fruit

    Seattle 1337 teleporting, god mode, hatchet

    Well according to the cheat report guidelines I need to provide location, time and details of the event. Pictures etc seem to be optional, as obviously not everyone has fraps running. I assume there are logs. My ping was 40, friends was 20 or so. I swam out deliberately to see if someone would teleport into the water beside me. The camp was very recent and well hidden and it's unlikely that multiple people would be able to spawn in. Not concerned about losing the tent. I had a clear 2-3 seconds where the first axe wielder was standing still behind my friend and in that time they took a full clip. Also no ability to see who killed me (logs I assume would detail that though). Server seemed to be easy mode with player location marked on map. Basically, read the reporting guidelines.
  2. Server Seattle 1337 Around 12.25 gmt -8 Myself (andyn) and mattc were Camped above black lake by our tent, hidden in fir trees, well out of sight. A couple of players teleported in behind us with axes. I shot the first one with a full clip with my m1911, matt did the same. No effect, they seemed to have god mode on. They killed us and I respawned at balota and swam out into the water. Saw the same thing happen to others around the docks. Seemed to be a lot of people dying on the server leading up to the hack. Not sure how relevant it is but I think the group leader at the time was dym116
  3. Presently there is no real downside to starting a firefight. If you get the drop on your opponent and make a kill you get some sweet items. If you take a bullet in the firefight, no problem. Everyone can perfectly heal themselves with a handful of items. If you need blood, one of your friends can give you a perfect blood transfusion. I suggest adding another layer to firefights, making them even scarier. If you take a bullet, you need to remove it at a later point at a campfire with a knife. Maybe some of those empty whisky bottles the zombies are carrying around could be full for sterilisation purposes. Until you remove the bullet your character has all the symptoms of sickness, constantly coughing. doctors Boiling survival down to a pure item game is something which encourages pvp. This is not particularly realistic, In the real world, survival is about more than items, and people are not equal. A doctor has a base set of skills that are considerably more useful than those of someone who works in an office. Players who have performed a lot of blood transfusions, administered morphine and other medical procedures will gain the ability to use doctor's bags. This would be a new specialised multiple use item which enables you to remove bullets without a campfire, remove sickness and cure other ailments. Only a player who has learned to be a doctor can use doctors bags.
  4. I was thinking along similar lines, there are bunch of reasons for pvp, and ultimately no disadvantages to killing a better equipped player and stealing his kit, because every character has the potential to be an unrealistically self sufficient survival machine if they merely discover the correct items. Introducing rare spawn classes (perhaps just with a single item use skill) would create more incentives to team up and introduce greater tension between the low humanity/high humanity playing styles. http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=7256
  5. the musical fruit

    You there. With that unfair advantage. You are CHEATING!

    perhaps there could be a map-lite object that spawns in houses near spawn locations - a tourist map of chernarus showing coastal walks. Include some pictures illustrating areas of natural beauty/recognisable landmarks near spawn locations. Very little information about the interior of the world, just enough to get newer players oriented
  6. the musical fruit

    Skills and skin appearance

    I was interested to read that we might be getting changeable custom skins for characters and thought skills might be a fun adjunct to that, primarily as a means to incentivise coop play, differentiate players more and create more tension between high/ low humanity play styles. Skills would be interesting as its always seemed unrealistic and a wasted opportunity to have every player capable of giving a perfect blood transfusion, able to repair a car perfectly or operate a helicopter. The notion of a group of survivors with differing abilities is also a staple of zombie fiction and would definitely add something to the storytelling aspect. This concept is already present to a degree in the game in the form of the blood pack which gave me my most memorable early play experience ; only another player can give you a blood transfusion, forcing coop. it might be interesting to diversify this into other areas. Randomly assigned Pre apocalypse Careers. Cop/ prison guard- rare spawn career for players who had positive humanity in their previous life. Players who killed low humanity players in a previous life have a higher chance of spawning as a cop. Start with .38. dishevelled cop uniform Skill - Sees player humanity. Negative humanity names are red, positive humanity names are green. Makes you a big target for convicts while in that uniform. Doctor/nurse - rare spawn career for players who had positive humanity in their previous life - starts with blood bag or two. tattered white coat. Players who healed a lot in previous life have an increased chance of spawning as a doctor. Skill - Can perform perfect blood transfusions. restoring players to full health as we currently can do in game. Reduce the amount of blood restored in a transfusion by unskilled players substantially, or prevent unskilled players from being able to perform transfusions entirely. perhaps even running the risk of hurting or killing a badly injured player. Will always be able to find antibiotics in hospital Mechanic - uncommon spawn career - starts with toolbox, overalls Skill - Only class able to perfectly repair things As with the doctor allow unskilled players to attempt to repair vehicles, but with a greatly reduced chance of success. (maybe if successful the vehicle smokes like it is on its last legs) Pilot - very rare spawn career - starts in flightsuit with m1911. Skill- only class able to pilot a helicopter. Office worker - default spawn class - starts with usual gear, wearing battered office drone clothing - no remarkable skills Rural worker - uncommon spawn class - starts in rural gear with Winchester and 8 slugs. skill - Starts with several animal traps which will randomly catch an animal depending on where it is placed Escaped convict - uncommon to default spawn class based on humanity - garish orange jumpsuit - but otherwise nothing remarkable about them. Players who had negative humanity in a previous life have an incremental chance of spawning as a criminal in their next life. The Lower your humanity, higher the chance of spawning as a convict. First priority - find something else to wear! Players with exceptionally low humanity always spawn as a; Hardened criminal - orange jumpsuit - Skill - tough. more resistant to cold and illness. Start with a revolver with six bullets (stolen from prison guard) Negative humanity classes could be elaborated - players who stole a lot of equipment from people they shot might spawn as a banker in pinstripe suit, with a very rare pistol, pockets stuffed with useless money but no backpack. Or the bad cop, who sees humanity, albeit with colours reversed. Or the junkie doctor, who can perform transfusions but is addicted to painkillers. This interplay between skills and percieved skills through player skin could lead to some interesting gameplay and unusual alliances. for example - a band of convicts with a badly injured friend encounter a player in doctors garb and rather than shoot him, ask for help with a blood transfusion. Unfortunately for all concerned, the doctor is actually another escaped convict who stole the costume from a 'real doctor' he killed moments ago. The fake doctor fails to transfuse the blood correctly, the injured player starts bleeding again and dies. The forest echoes with gunshots as we pan out... If only he was a real doctor! To prevent exploits you would need to fix respawn class to prevent players respawning constantly to get rare careers like doctor or cop. Perhaps for 30 minutes your class would remain fixed no matter if you respawned or not. Or do allow respawn to change career but with a limit to the number of rare careers on a server. Awesome game!