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Everything posted by kingkrakr

  1. ok for all who want to join please got to this http://steamcommunity.com/groups/onecast and join it once finished please go and sign up at http://www.onecastgaming.com/index.php? also add me via skype : kingkrakrFTW
  2. hello my name is kingkrakr and i want to know if people want to join my clan the requirements Age: any Experience: new to advanced Roles: any thing except for bandits Mic: doesnt matter if you want to join please join this group http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TRUDAYZPlayers
  3. ok for all who want to join please got to this http://steamcommunit.../groups/onecast and join it once finished please go and sign up at http://www.onecastgaming.com also add me via skype : kingkrakrFTW
  4. ok for all who want to join please got to this http://steamcommunity.com/groups/onecast and join it once finished please go and sign up at http://www.onecastgaming.com/index.php? also add me via skype : kingkrakrFTW
  5. ok for all who want to join please got to this http://steamcommunity.com/groups/onecast and join it once finished please go and sign up at http://www.onecastgaming.com/index.php? also add me via skype : kingkrakrFTW
  6. ok now you need to go to my group and then you will be a member
  7. Hello i am looking for members who want to join my clan for dayz if you want to join add me on steam and i will add you to the group Requirements Age: Any Experience: new to advanced Mic: Yes Roles: anything except for bandits i have no official server yet but i will invite people to a server ps i know this post may be unclear to people but this is my first time recruiting for dayz and i know how it fells to be by yourself in dayz it gets hard and you eventually die but i believe that together as a team we will never leave a member behind and never fire unless fired upon.
  8. kingkrakr

    TRU DAYZ Players recruiment

    and also add me on skype its kingkrakrFTW
  9. kingkrakr

    TRU DAYZ Players recruiment

    ok i guess we all can use six launcher so add me my name is kingkrakr
  10. kingkrakr

    TRU DAYZ Players recruiment

    ok guys i am only able to go through steam so here is the group link http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TRUDAYZPlayers
  11. kingkrakr

    TRU DAYZ Players recruiment

    ok do you have steam if you do send me a request and ill invite you to my steam group
  12. kingkrakr

    TRU DAYZ Players recruiment

    yes we will use team speak
  13. kingkrakr

    TRU DAYZ Players recruiment

    what are thesse names for are they steam
  14. kingkrakr

    TRU DAYZ Players recruiment

    ok what is your steam account so i can add you
  15. kingkrakr

    TRU DAYZ Players recruiment

    ok add me to steam my account is kingkrakr