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About kingkrakr

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. kingkrakr

    DayZ Epoch Problem

    My clan recently got a dayz epoch server but everytime i join my game crashes to my desktop. i have uninstalled arma 2 oa and started fresh but with no luck if anyone has teamspeak or skype let me know and add kingkrakrFTW.
  2. Hello, TSR is looking for more members. If you want to join here are the application questions. Do you have a mic Do you have a skype account Do you have a steam account What is your take on bandits What is your main role Any other things you would like to add
  3. Hello I am Brad also known as kingkrakr and today i would like to say that my new clan is up and looking for people to join. Here is the link to the webpage. http://the-survivors-rebellion.enjin.com/home You will have to fill in a application to join. If you fail no worries you can always try again. Thank you for taking the time to read and look foward to seeing you. Brad
  4. hello I am looking for people who would like to team up and make a clan in dayz you need a mic we will band together and never leave anyone behind we will kill bandits YOU MUST HAVE TEAMSPEAK 3 here is the ts3 ip Look forsomeone named BigBlue thats me. If im not in check every few hours. ADD ME ON STEAM SO I CAN HELP YOU WITH ANY TS3 PROBLEMS username: kingkrakr Happy Hunting.
  5. kingkrakr

    Clan recruitment

    Hello i am brad or kingkrakr and today i am recruiting for my clan here are some basic rules and info we do kill bandits we will help you find gear or give you gear we never leave a man behind please put this following info in for your application How long you have played dayz your steam name your skype name do you have a mic what is your main role you play For any more info add me on steam at kingkrakr and add me on skype at kingkrakrFTW
  6. Hello, My name is Brad I am a dayz recruiter. OneCast Gaming is currently looking for new clan members to join here are some recruiments. Age: 13+ You need a mic we do kill bandits we play on a rMod server but if we have to we will move to normal dayz If you want to join please add me on steam at kingkrakr also add me on skype at kingkrakrFTW Thank you and look forward playing with you.
  7. Hello, My name is Bradley also known as Brad today i am looking for a clan who is willing to join forces with us if you want to please contact me on steam at kingkrakr also contact me on skype at kingkrakrFTW
  8. Hello i am brad or kingkrakr and today i am recruiting for my clan here are some basic rules and info we do kill bandits we will help you find gear or give you gear we never leave a man behind please put this following info in for your application How long you have played dayz your steam name your skype name do you have a mic what is your main role you play For any more info add me on steam at kingkrakr and add me on skype at kingkrakrFTW
  9. kingkrakr

    Looking for a clan.

    add me on skype and we could talk i have about five people with me and are always looking for recruiits to help play my skype in kingkrakrFTW
  10. kingkrakr

    Looking for a team

    add me on skype and we could talk i have about five people with me and are always looking for recruiits to help play my skype in kingkrakrFTW
  11. add me on skype and we could talk i have about five people with me and are always looking for recruiits to help play my skype in kingkrakrFTW
  12. kingkrakr

    Looking for a clan / group

    add me on skype and we could talk i have about five people with me and are always looking for recruiits to help play my skype in kingkrakrFTW
  13. kingkrakr

    Looking for a group to play with!

    add me on skype and we could talk i have about five people with me and are always looking for recruiits to help play my skype in kingkrakrFTW
  14. kingkrakr

    Solo player here looking for players.

    add me on skype and we could talk i have about five people with me and are always looking for recruiits to help play my skype in kingkrakrFTW
  15. kingkrakr

    looking for people to play with

    add me on skype and we could talk i have about five people with me and are always looking for recruiits to help play my skype in kingkrakrFTW