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Everything posted by thewonwhoknocks

  1. I am new to DayZ and I'm looking for a few friends to play with. This will include fun, laughter, and adventure...or it could lead to many blood soaked bodies in a river. So leave a reply with your Skype or Steam name and let's get to either surviving or thriving at failing.
  2. thewonwhoknocks

    Looking For Pals/ Fun, Laughter,Adventure

    That is also how I feel and I think it would be great to team up and play.
  3. thewonwhoknocks

    Looking For Pals/ Fun, Laughter,Adventure

    That is exactly the kind of person I am looking for :). It would be awesome to play with you!
  4. thewonwhoknocks

    Looking For Pals/ Fun, Laughter,Adventure

    Awesome, I've sent you a Skype request, so I'll see you soon.
  5. thewonwhoknocks

    Looking For Pals/ Fun, Laughter,Adventure

    Awesome, just add me on SKype, my username is: bttf88, or you can give me yours if you would like.
  6. thewonwhoknocks

    Looking for a group

    I have also been looking for a group, may I join as well? Skype name is: bttf88 Steam name is: bttf88mph