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Everything posted by thepathmaker

  1. thepathmaker

    Looking for 2 - 4 aussie players

    Jump on the aVagaming servers(only seen aussies so far on these servers), they have 3(chernarus, panthera and Taviana) Good servers with very little hacks. Their forums are also pretty good.
  2. thepathmaker

    To Shoot or not to shoot; how do you decide?

    I play in Aussie servers only. I travel with a mate most of the time. If we come across a new spawned player we will help them out and then let them go on their way. If we come across a bandit, generally shoot on sight. A lone survivor with a gun, we will help them out if we can approach safely, otherwise we just leave them. The only other time we shoot people is if they out number us or we fell they are to close. I like to have tacitacl advantage, being up hill from players, quick and lethal if required(no long shoot outs) Have a fall back point incase something goes wrong.
  3. Hey guys, got a question. I want to change the number of vehicle spawns in my private server running I know where they are located. I use Navicat Lite to access the hivemind>Tables>object_classes. For Example: I want to add in the An2_TK_EP1 which currently says there is 0 under Max Number, I put in 1. However when I exit it doesnt ask to save. I close sever down and relaunch server. The An2 number has gone back to 0. I do the same with the MH6J_EP1, does the same. But if I do it with any other vehicle(eg police car, Gaz) it works fine. I have changed the spMain from default 11 to 40, even 100. I am not sure what I am missing. Some help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
  4. thepathmaker

    Vehicle spawn count issue

  5. thepathmaker

    Vehicle spawn count issue

  6. Hey guys, I am fairly new at running servers. So sorry in advance for noob questions. I have searched for the last couple of days trying to figure this out. I have the latest Bliss server and Dayz 1.7.4 . It works fine for Chernarus map. I just cant find out how to install namalsk or any other map, so that I can just select which map to host for my friends and I. Thanks in advance TPM
  7. thepathmaker

    Help installing Namalsk

    Thanks man, I will have a look later on.
  8. thepathmaker

    Help installing Namalsk

  9. thepathmaker

    Server Not Showing Up In Server Lists

    I am new to servers, but I got mine to show up in the dayzcommander. I hope this helps someone. I am running my server( from my pc that i play on, its just for a few friends and I. So i checked first to see if it would appear in lan(my friends checked through hamachi VPN) works fine. I forwarded UDP 2302,2303,2305. And allowed all applications through zone alarm firewall. I then went into my server files (mine is server.cfg located in cfgdayz folder in my arma 2 directory). I changed the following from this: //reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com"; // For Arma2: Operation Arrowhead reportingIP = ""; To this: reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com"; // For Arma2: Operation Arrowhead //reportingIP = ""; At first I didnt have the "reportingIP = "", so i just added it in. Now looks like: reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com"; // For Arma2: Operation Arrowhead //reportingIP = ""; logFile = "cfgdayz\arma2oaserver.RPT"; I have a question, how can i add new maps to my server so I can just select the map on server start up? Peace