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About Superman914

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Profile Information

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  1. Superman914

    EastCoast Only

    Looking for people to play on taviana,namalsk,or panthera.
  2. Superman914

    Need 2-3 People To Team Up With

    Name:Blake Steam: Superman914 Age:17 Location New York
  3. Age:17 Country:USA Skype (can PM me):blake91495 Have you played with other clans?:yes Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?:yes and i can also follow orders How long have you played DayZ?:6 Months What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.):Assault or Sniper/Spotter List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one):Funny ,Clam, Not afraid to Fight,and Will always risk my life to save anothers If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?: find his killer and let him/her get revenge