So after i saw the most recent patch notes, i saw that street lights were working for a small amount of time before a hotfix. I began thinking of ways that you could have streetlights, but not have them turned on 100% of the time. So my idea is this; In each town add a single generator that would power the lights for a certain amount of time. This would be directly related to how much fuel you place in the generator. These generators could be located inside a building, basement, or just out next to an industrial building in a town. They shouldn't be hard to find, but should be difficult to get out of if the Zeds start pouring in. Generators could also be destroyed, causing them to either need repairing, or a full restart to come back. Pros: Easier to make your way around towns Easier to see zombies Cons: Zombies attracted to the generator noise, making it difficult to start up Obvious player activity Easy target for snipers requires fuel that could be used for a vehicle Only lights up small towns such as Gorka and Kamyshovo. Towns like Elektro and Cherno would either require multiple generators, or none at all. This would make these size towns just as dangerous as they were before. While playing with the lights on would seem like "Easymode" to some, surely it's a logical thing to do in a town if there is a generator. Thoughts?