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Everything posted by Shag

  1. Shag

    Zombies are OP ATM

    agreed zeds not running indoors for me today, and zeds are not too bad to sneak past. there seems to be a slight issue with the exponent calculation they do, which means that sometimes zed sees you from very far away, needs a minor tweak only but i think apart from this zeds are just a little more dangerous. all in all pretty good. people please adapt the way you play the game a little.
  2. change the way you play. mostly zeds are more of a threat but very playable. there is however, the occassionaly glitch with detection, eg zed spotting you from very far. very minor bug with the exponent probability to spot you i think. perhaps reduce probability slightly more?
  3. it means that the longer you sit visible in a zeds view direction, the more likely you are to be spotted.
  4. Shag

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    amazing how impatient people get when they can't log in. there is a bug, go do something else for 24 hours... not rocket science (budum-tish).
  5. Just bought a second card to run in crossfire. When I turn it on, every 1-2mins the sky flashes/strobes. when i turn crossfire off it stops. I guess it is an arma 2 issue, but I'm not a member on those boards. Anyone know how this can be fixed. I updated my driver to the latest beta, made no difference.
  6. whats the definition of stupid again, oh yea not learning from your mistakes.... carry two morphine, use one go get another. problem solved. there is loads of morphone, but it is concentrated.
  7. [94001] Fixed: "enableItemsDropping = 0;" now even for MP clients er... does this not mean you have to stick this in your own config?
  8. Shag

    Graphic problem

    i dont have intergated graphics, but press delete or whatever to take you to bios when you boot up, and have a look around. read the manual for your bios or google it.
  9. Shag

    Cherno/Elektro too easy on low pop servers

    and it shouldnt be. cherno especially should be zed central.
  10. Shag

    Spawn Mechanic - No Damage for X Seconds?

    log out in the wilderness, definatley not in buildings. it is everywhere on the forums. isn't it even mentioned 'officially'?
  11. Shag

    Dramatically change loot spawns

    I dont think all loot should be on zeds, but I think a lot of military hardware should be looted from soldier zeds, it makes a lot of sense. food still in supermarkets, vehicle parts in factories, etc etc - some military loot in firestations/barracks. let's not get all melodramatic "what this totally kills stealth" - lols
  12. Shag

    Spawn Mechanic - No Damage for X Seconds?

    so u needed to log out there and then cos you needed sleep. a tall tale. those who dont log out in neutral areas (wilderness) deserve what they get. in answer to your actual question, I have no idea, i log out in the woods.
  13. Shag

    Cherno/Elektro too easy on low pop servers

    AGREED! certain areas should be really tough to enter like cities, but have lots of good stuff in to balance.
  14. Here's hoping for more features eventually. Plenty of cool suggestion for infrequent random events to spice things up. NPC clean up units with good weapons and ammo and a vehicle or two. Run or hide? etc
  15. - the whole running in a house thing to stop the sprint/zig zag attacks makes the game feel unpolished. if this is to be a stand alone game it must be eliminated. - to balance this, zed shouldn't zig zag when outside. - zed should remain quick - zed should not stop for attack animation - i agree zed HPs higher so more shots to body, still one shot to head. - add more investigate triggers similar to tin cans throwing etc. like gunshot in distance - increase their numbers in high value areas, like airfield/city
  16. Shag

    Starting location: The bean coast

    You shouldnt be able to go near cherno/elektro when you spawn. It should be almost impossible to lone wolf sneak into the cities. Hopefully when optimized more, we can have large numbers of zeds in the two cities, along with some better loot to compensate. Spawning everywhere would certainly prevent issues with noob killings.
  17. Shag

    bring back the normal zombie agro system now! 0.o

    zeds are too easy right now and you want them easier?? i aggro them out of carelessness through over confidence. that's it.
  18. no it didnt. it was never in trouble.
  19. Shag

    Graphic problem

    disable the integrated gfx in the bios
  20. Shag

    Occasional strobe light flashing sun

    i loaded up the armory with just arma 2 beta running and strobing starts. it isn't dayz it is the beta.
  21. Shag

    Occasional strobe light flashing sun

    i have read at least four users so far who all run crossfire and are having this issue. this needs highlighting.