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Everything posted by Shag

  1. So it is just an anti-camp mechanism? Shame, it could be much more.
  2. We are also doing something similar, war on snipers. We're trying to learn all the most used sniper spots, approaches to their positions. Only worked once so far :S - We'll get there though. Don't worry we don't snipe randoms trying to loot, just people sat in ambush.
  3. Absolutely not. If you miss camaradrie, find and join up with other survivors. oh wait, you'd rather shoot them for their torch.
  4. welcome to the internet...
  5. there is sadly not much to do when you gather lots fo loot. i hunt snipers now, they killed me too many times and now i seek revenge :) ...and the game is still in alpha, still more features to be added, don't worry!
  6. Shag

    Really bad lag, desync and fps since new patch

    As I just posted in another thread on this, server admins need the latest version of hive installing to prevent desyncs etc.
  7. the lag and desync was already confirmed as an issue of servers not running correct version of the hive. i'd link the thread i read that in if i could remember. Anders stated it.
  8. Shag

    [UPDATED] Weekly Stats, PvP Trends

    it coincides with stronger zeds. people still shoot on sight, but the percentage reduced because zeds aggro much easier.
  9. Shag

    Latest beta patch 94876

    useless posting like this all over these forums. why does it ruin the game? what issues are there? etc useless.
  10. No buy the british/PMC dlcs for themselves. never just for the skins, that's insane.
  11. Shag

    Experimental test patch

    Ok I know zed broken and mostly stationary, but when they are not I think they seem better. Aside from the fact that there are a lot of them, they seem easier to lose once aggro'd. they also seem to zig-zag less than before - great! I have had to make some important decisions re ammo and zeds that I haven't had to do before. I seem to be more often interacting with zeds, killing them, running etc. better with more zed, easy aggro, easy to lose and shoot in the open. I dont feel the need to run indoors so much to fight them. if this all in my head? placebo effect on testing patch without release notes? or have they changed?
  12. Shag

    Fuck Kamenka! *RESPAWN*

    was discussed before - a death timer that doubles within a rolling 24 period. 2 min 4 min 8 min etc etc
  13. Shag

    Upgrade the Crossbow?

    Better sites, not a a scope though better range - upto 200M effective ammo quiver.
  14. Shag

    Experimental test patch

    I get this with the Arma 2 beta (and therefore in dayz) while running in crossfire. disabling crossfire stops the flashing. None beta Arma 2 is fine in crossfire.
  15. you cant wipe every patch cos people would leave and you would never test the 'late game' mechanics.
  16. I really hope they ask for and get some 3rd party arma 2 mods on board (well the right parts of them). ACE has some great features already mentioned, ACRE too.
  17. Shag

    Specific Replacement Weaponry (USSR)

    I couldnt agree more. In fact I think that many of the weapons should be the kind of out of date soviet weapons that are sold cheaply all over the world to those who cant afford better modern weapons. Value of this - fewer scopes please.
  18. I disagree with everything the OP says
  19. they are too easy to find with all the maps around, and too easy to raid. I wouldnt mind a reduction in military gear in deer hunter stands. Can we have more domestic weaponry added? And not to be too cheaky, but could we eventually get them properly modelled?
  20. Shag

    Petition to make Zombies harder.

    Make zeds harder for sure.
  21. there are the odd occassions when a zed aggros when it feels wrong, but generally you all need to change the way you play instead of calling it a pain. otherwise we may as well remove zeds from the game. i hope zeds keep getting ramped up a little at a time. detection seems better now (except the odd one) - hopefully next we get nuch more zeds in large towns/cities. give people in groups with LMGs and assault rifles something to get their teeth into.
  22. I'm a little embarrassed by/for this community quite often. but then I have been a little embarrassed by/for most gaming communities I have become a part of. people always have unrealistic expectations for the miserly outlay they pay for their software (nothing in the case of dayz) and demand that they have a stable game to play when they are really here to test for free. then i guess that is the internet.
  23. agree with certain large towns having more zeds. it seems harder to loot small towns as they have a higher concentration of zeds that cities right now (is it me or does everyone see this?) small towns are fine, but large towns need double/triple zed levels.
  24. Shag

    Less military grade equipment.

    I kind of agre, but not entirely. there is too much military equipment in the game right now, due to exploits and duping. a full server wipe would be needed before we can judge. i haven't found a sniper rifle for over a month now, granted a stay clear of NW AF. i do agree that with very very few sniper rifles the game would get better. sniping should also get more difficult, introduce some concepts from ACE - wind etc. remove NVGs for sure, night should be spooky and tough. i believe they are/have removed the thermal scopes thank god.