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Everything posted by Shag

  1. Most people on these boards think the game has taken a massive leap in the right direction. Granted elements need tweaking and balancing, but people need to understand that behaviours from earlier versions now get u killed. Re-learn. There are too many people who have been alive 17 days and stuff. You all need to get eaten horribly, turned, and wander the wastelands with only base impulses to eat brains.
  2. Shag

    The Problem with 1.7.1

    So you complain that aggroing zombies in wilderness = death, but agrroing zombies in built up areas is too easy to survive. How then to solve your issues? Make easier to avoid zombies in wilderness, and harder in cities? Do we then have a post complaining too easy in wilderness not hard enough in cities?? Did this gem need a new thread?
  3. Shag

    Big crap 1.71.

    excellent contructive, almost unfathomable feedback there. post your issues in a grown up manner (and use the search function, some of what you said has been discussed already) and people will treat you like an adult.
  4. Not played yet but respawns either sound broken or poorly calculated. Better zeds require balancing with slower spawns and an easier attack vector (run straight).
  5. Shag


    i used to have a dual core amd 3.0ghz overclocked to 3.5ghz and it was totally fine. I'm sure you could pick one of those up for next to nothing.... In fact I still have it. I took the PSU and gfx card out for my new rig but the RAM 4GB at 1200mhz, MB, CPU dual core overclocked to 3.5ghz, 750 gig HDD, case, xfi fatility sound, dvd and cd rws is sat in my hallway. Was gonna sell it for £150. Have u considered a 2nd hand machine? Try eBay.
  6. with some kind of server queue system, combined with being kicked when you click abort too. i like. maybe combined with a doubling connection timeout. 5 ins - 10 mins - 20 mins. Rolling 24 hour period. Nasty
  7. Shag

    Thanks to the Devs

    Many thanks for a very original game.
  8. Totally agree with the freedom and anything can happen bit, totally dislike any fake game constructs such as choice of spawn etc etc.... but who made the OP the king of the forum. A forum is a place to discuss stuff, please let's not start censorship. Oh and btw, rocket can speak for himself, and does. Very active on the forums. Please stop second guessing and putting words into his mouth. It is really annoying me, it must be totally fucking him off at times.
  9. Shag


    So how many cores can arma 2 (and later 3) support. Should I change the cpucount parameter to match my 4 cpus?
  10. Shag

    The Ban TS3 thread!

    It would add to the immersion, but isn't even remotely possible/enforceable. Join a clan and join in :)
  11. I wish they would walk indoors. Might make sweeping a town much more unpredictable.
  12. Shag

    High Res Textures?

    People. You are playing mostly Arma 2 with a different configuration. Most of the stuff in the game that requires skill and man hours to is from BIS. You all need to take your blinkers off. Yes we all love DayZ, but why not play what you paid for? Have a go at Arma 2. Download some of the many great mods that exist for the game. They're good.
  13. Is there something up with beta 93825? Everytime I play I get kicked by battleye for script restriction #16. Reading around the forums there seem to be lots of bans flying around from battleeye. I don't think I have been banned, I never run any scripts etc, certainly not a hacker. Been trying to get a game going for last hour, not sure what is going on. Any help out there? Latest beta patch sounds great!
  14. NO Should be more subtle than in your face audio. I actually preferred the crows idea I read elsewhere. Make crow circle higher than 20 foot though? Crow waiting for kill to eat eyeballs and having awareness to read the signs = better mechanic
  15. Makes me feel better about losing 5 days worth of effort to a server wide death hack. Bye wankers.
  16. Shag


    taken from the beta exe - -cpuCount=2 Does this not utilise a dual core cpu? what about arma 3 - anyone know if this will utilise quad core?
  17. Yea all good. More variety would be great. Not sure I like NPCs guarding survivor bases. A base should be both very hard to create and very vulnerable too. Keep these infrequent.
  18. Shag

    New Mob: CDC Clean up Patrol.

    Very infrequent random events like this I think have great potential. I like to think the world should be going along without me. Seeing zed spawn when I approach a town snaps me out of that. Seeing NPC units like this immerses me again. If you have NPC vs NPC (CDC v Zeds) I would love it. These guys should be double nasty and dangerous, but combined with a reduction in military weapon spawns and killing these guys for all their weapons/ammo/vehicles would be a real victory. Love it!
  19. Shag

    Occupations NEEDED and REALISTIC

    Sorry dont like it.
  20. I agree with the overall concept of having some reason to team up, but none of them should equate to some intangible benefit or penalty. The world should force you to team up to achieve some type of goal without artifical constructs. Simply, good gear in center of Cherno. Cherno totally overrun by hundereds of zeds. Zeds no longer as unaware of survivors 5 foot away crouch running. Many zeds mean you need a team of tooled up survivors to get to the good stuff. Instant reason to team up. AI controlled government military group intent on silencing survivors following zed outbreak. Track survivors to kill. Survivor on own have zero survival chance Survivor in squads may just make it. Instant reason to band together. As soon as the world is more dangerous and harder to survive, players will naturally band together.
  21. Shag

    I found a Radio

    village of the damned = mass killing server hack?
  22. Shag

    We've got it too easy

    Agreed I think if the devs were to really try and sort out the zeds in the coming patches we could really start to see the core game materialize. Talking about wandering zombie hordes causing you to drop a load, how about other random events like special ops teams (AI controlled) landing with good equipment and a need to exterminate all survivors. No witnesses! I actually think that would be a better way to introduce military hardware into the game than deer stands crashyed chopper sites. Make you kill for your stuff - maybe even force people to team up more. These events should be rare tho.
  23. I'm afraid I didn't like any of your suggestions. None of them seem inkeeping with what I understand the conecept of the game is. I would suggest you re-evaluate why you like this mod?
  24. I have been part of the community for a mere two weeks now, and I am very impressed with the rate at which changes are made. This is the sort of effort that can only come form a labour of love - you guys must be over the moon with the response. You have a very large player base, and the feedback is incredible. These forums are buzzing. There are probably a heap of great ideas that get missed daily. Onto my point - the new features implemented seem sporadic. It seems interesting little ideas/concepts get implemented, before major features are fully realised. Game mechanics and features in games are related to one another. So it is pointless to assess the impact say zombie numbers and spawn rates, before the behaviour and detection are fully realised. Why would we spend time implementing heat and disease, axes and wood, before we have fully implemented zombies to close to their final state? Obviously I don't know what dependancies/blockers exist in the project. You may be waiting for Arma patches for some work, you may not have access to source needed to make other changes. So it may be impossible to get the game fundamentals exactly as you want them. In short, I'm sorry if the point I'm making is just 'teaching you to suck eggs'. However, when playing and feeding my views back on the forum, the major points that hit me in the face when I play seem to be penned in for changing after adding a temperature system. Perhaps the community could state what priority they place on what issues/features/mechanics?