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Everything posted by dacaveboy@hotmail.com

  1. dacaveboy@hotmail.com

    Warden/peace keeper/ Militia idea

    Raven your in luck! My group has been particularly Active on the ANZ servers. All kiwis and Aussies here. After gauging the about of interest Ive decided that we will form our own group that will cooperate with other similar groups like overwatch. So far most of our members are from Aus and NZ so will operate primarily on the ANZ servers. I will figure out a name and post a separate recruitment thread for the particular group soon. But this thread shall live on! I want all people already in such groups or looking for such groups to use this thread as a hub to link up across all servers, so we may better combat the bandit threat. See you in the field.
  2. dacaveboy@hotmail.com

    US Beta Servers

    Ive noticed that a few of the US servers wont let you log on without a beta expansion? Forgive my ignorance but what is the Beta expansion and what purpose does it serve? Is it any different? Offer anything different to the DayZ experience? Just curious. Apologies if this has already been covered elsewhere, I searched the forums and couldn't find anything that really answered my questions.
  3. dacaveboy@hotmail.com

    US Beta Servers

    Thought that may be the case. cheers for answering.
  4. dacaveboy@hotmail.com

    Warden/peace keeper/ Militia idea

    Awesome! loving the attention we are getting. Looks like I recruited more guys today as well, so things are looking up! At this stage the guys I have onboard are still undecided on whether to do our own group or join another so at this stage I am still looking at all options so we can make the strongest decision on the day. Someonemustgethurt, I have added you on steam and like what you have written down for The Overwatch so far. Lets talk. everyone else whos interested feel free to add me on steam, same name as above. Lets make this happen. I have been developing plans and strategies to use in game lately and cant wait to get this off the ground. Hit me up guys.
  5. dacaveboy@hotmail.com

    Official disconnect thread

    Baskerville, they werent hunting him for his beans. he lit THEM up with the flares. He clearly knew they were there and was trying to find them with zero effort made to contact them to see if he was friendly. These guys arent bandits raging cause their prey escaped, these are two guys who had someone stalking them and a tense standoff and when that guy slipped up he took the weak route out instead of following the game to its conclusion. If he just wanted to save his beans he had ample opportunity to move elsewhere. Utter coward, and shit like this ruins immersion. EDIT plus he had the chance to DC early on in the piece as well. Instead he tried to get them first. He was clearly looking to engage them by lighting them up. You dont commit to engagement then DC when you make a mistake.
  6. dacaveboy@hotmail.com

    Any Military Vets Around that want to Group Up?

    Former NZ army gunner. Forming a group at the moment and would be more than happy to play with you all. Link below. Intend to implement patrol tactics etc across the board. Group
  7. dacaveboy@hotmail.com

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Theres a lot of comments for how to reduce PVP in this thread. Many many pages ago I suggested people forming in game groups to combat bandits. I myself am now forming one such group and am looking for peeps to help. Head to this thread and express interesting in joining up now! Thread of win. Sorry, had to plug it :P
  8. dacaveboy@hotmail.com

    Warden/peace keeper/ Militia idea

    Have had considerable interested as well as the offer a TeamSpeak server. Am currently trying to decide to create completely new group or fall under the umbrella of an existing one. What do yall think? And if people interested in joining such a group please post up here that would be great. Also, any ideas for a name if we do form a new group? I was thinking something like North Chernarus Militia [NCM] could be good, Or Wardens of Chernarus [WoC] or some such. Any suggestions considered. Cheers.
  9. dacaveboy@hotmail.com

    I found a Radio

    Maybe the audio file or even this thread should be deleted or locked or something? I was thinking about it before, by making all this public we have kinda taken away from the purpose of the Radio being so rare, and clearly quite a bit of work has gone into it. Just a thought. And yeah, its hella cool. Fully number station style.
  10. dacaveboy@hotmail.com

    I found a Radio

    They're grid references. I checked the first three on a detailed map and there's a deer stand at each location. Id be willing to bet that the rest lead you to deer stands too. I would say they're pointing you to some good loot.
  11. dacaveboy@hotmail.com

    Warden/peace keeper/ Militia idea

    Ive been server hopping a lot lately. I live in NZ and mostly have to settle with whatever Server has the best ping at the time. But once part of a group Ill try and settle. Lanceuppercut, agreed. Im not complaining about pvp or saying it needs gone, we know theres enough threads about that already. Im just suggesting setting up a group actively set on trying to provide an AO that is at least slightly safer for survivors, or at the very least more difficult for bandits to operate in. Here is what I had in mind. Hard Posture. Th group is a Paramilitary style outfit. Its by being well equipped and organised that you present a greater threat to bandits. Acting as a tight unit is vital to the survival of those in the unit as well as the threat the unit itself portrays. Set up a dedicated AO. Start small, like a triangle with Novy Sobor, Devils castle and Lopatino at the points. This covers one of the most dangerous areas of the map, one which sees a lot of bandits. As the group grows and gets more effective this area could expand to cover petrovka, putoshka and other near by towns. Proactive patrols. Patrol the AO hard. Theres enough good places there to scavenge supplies as they are needed plus plentiful water points so no great need to leave that area. Have a presence and let it be felt. Act overtly. Make it known to the entire server that patrols are in that area. Not to specific but make it known we are there and actively hunting bandits. Encourage others to tell us if they were engaged by other players in certain areas within the AO so we may investigate. If the group is large enough it could even move overtly and try and encourage the bandits to engage. Keep track of players. Take a quick note of all players in the AO. Attempt to communicate with any and all survivors seen in the area, try and take note of names and equipment. If fire is heard in the area demand the firer to make themselves known or risk engagement, and then move in to see whats going on. If they are just killing zombies and scavenging then they have nothing to fear. Also, if there are known player killers, with numerous kills, keep track of them, kind of as a most wanted list. Make these people the main objectives. To avoid people etting you to do their dirty work, the person in question can always reply themselves on side channel stating that they were acting in self defense etc. Noone said it would be easy but thats half the fun. It sounds like a lot of work but theres systems that can be put in place to make it easier. from an RPG perspective this gives some clear guidance and direction to keep players going. Same for bandits, more challenging an area to clear out and maybe some extra tension. I dont intend to claim ownership of the area, and wont be stopping other peeps from accessing the area either. Just to try and lower the threats of the area and bring some semblance of society to it. Just for the fun of it. Whether that is something I will do with my own group or by joining another I dont yet know. If groups read what I have just posted and like it let me know, or if players out there like it then vice versa. Im sure some bandits are licking their lips right now but thats half the fun :P
  12. dacaveboy@hotmail.com

    Warden/peace keeper/ Militia idea

    Correct and I played the same way as you did for quite some time, and managed to survive happily for days. i really enjoy the play style that you employ. But I was thinking that it can be done, and would be fun doing so. Treat it like counter insurgency warfare. If you hear gun fire respond to it and see if its just survivors or fighting. If you encounter others question them and keep track of whos in your AO so if you know such and such was headed in this direction and you just found fresh bodies perhaps he did it? encourage the other local players to speak out against it so you can do it. Im thinking that you can run it similar to a peace keeping operation or full blown counter insurgency warfare. Like I said, you will never get rid of them, but it could be fun trying to. Boxman, sounds fun. i already have a couple guys who are keen. ill talk to them. How do you guys go about it? just patrols? or do you try and get involed with the local community better etc?
  13. dacaveboy@hotmail.com

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    That guy well said. Great minds and all that.
  14. dacaveboy@hotmail.com

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I made an account just to reply to this post. I had this argument with a friend of mine yesterday and I feel the current setting is a true sandbox. It leaves it up to us to regulate the game. Dont like PvP? Avoidance. Stay off the coast, be sneaky, take your time. Only team up with peeps you trust. Really dont like PvP? There is nothing stopping you from forming your own group of enforcers to go out and hunt down Bandits. Encourage the community to out the bandits and do their bit to hunt them down. Then suddenly you have a goal and direction. Theres bandits in them there hills so round up the posse and clean em out. One way the game could help perhaps is have an automated rumour system. If a bunch of players die in one area it could pop up a rumour message saying that such and such an area isnt safe and is populated by bandits. Perhaps have random messages pop up with such things occasionally. Or perhaps have it to players. "rumour has it that theres a guy around Novy Sabor whos got a few kills..." or something like that. It wouldnt kill realism to much, a lot less then hard punishments put on the person like they die easier or whatever. You always see it in movies where rumours spread amongst survivors about safe zone and dangerous groups etc. But in all honesty I think the current system provides us with everything we need to manage it. We are the community and it is up to us to police it in game. If you are that sick of it, then get a group and fix it. The human race didnt stand around screaming at the sky telling it to stop the bad people.... well you kind of do but that didnt stop practical people from actually stopping them :P I haven't died in game yet (but I just hit the average life expectancy so am on borrowed time) and I'm happy hiding in the woods and not taking massive risks. PvP doesn't bother me at all and just adds to the immersion. As for bean coast, I think its necessary to spawn there as it helps new players A LOT with navigation. Its easy to get location and direction when your on the coast, and not hard to head immediately inland to avoid trouble.