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Everything posted by carpediembr

  1. So the Taviana server is brand new... only couple weeks old, we need more players... all the cool spots for your base are available.
  2. I started playing Epoch Taviana... amazing.. very good. Would recomend.
  3. In a real world you can spend 30 days until you really die of starvation....
  4. carpediembr

    Hidden Stash: How hard is it to make?

    Doing it client side would allow people to edit it and "hack" Make it just like tents, but you dig a hole in the ground, very very hard to spot. (have you playing Dayz Origins?)
  5. carpediembr

    Dayz Oring NEW MAP Released

    Well it is alot of runing around. I`m playing on a server that aparently has no vehicles =/
  6. carpediembr

    Remove the Ghillie suit

    You're the one QQing.. But I do agree that ghillie should come in the backpack slot. Many many times i've seen people with a ghillie and a winchester or just a makarov, just because wearing a ghillie is cool.
  7. carpediembr

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    then why the hell would he release as an Alpha?Your sentence ignore the fact that Alpha Beta are strictly to find bugs and glitches. If you dont want bugs, dont play alpha
  8. carpediembr

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Lol... no matter how you travel, between europe and nz you will have jetlagged. Even if you beam tele transportation... jetlag, is the time difference between countries too far apart.
  9. carpediembr

    Worst day ever and this game is still the shit

    Yep... yesterday I lost my mk48 and as50, because of a stone glitch =/
  10. carpediembr

    Tanktraps, wirekits and sandbags.

    No, people would just close buildings and log off inside.
  11. carpediembr

    Standalone or arma?

  12. carpediembr

    DayZ needs more guns

    more melee weapons and of course bow and arrow.
  13. carpediembr

    Not starting with backpacks

    I have a suitcase as well, with wheels...
  14. carpediembr

    Could someone explain Mildots?

    Mildots are mainly for calculating the distance between you and your targer. Then you re arrange your zeroing and shoot straight in the middle. Horizontal mildots are mainly to help you shooting moving targets, which I would never advise you to do, unless its a very big open field. The calculation is too difficult, as you need to know the speed the target is moving at and since you need to calculate the speed and the bullet speed, no one does that in game, they just shoot and re calculate. The CZ550 (hunting rifle) does not have mil dots and you calculate the distance of the target by its shoulder width (not english native speaker, sorry if its wrong). I would never suggest you to use the mildots to re calcuate the fire distance, the best bet is always to calculate the distance and redo the zeroing. UNLESS you are using a DMR, which is fixed to 400m. Why I dont suggest to do that? simply because all the rifles (besides DMR) can do a zero from 100 to 800 at least and you wont shoot any further than 800m.
  15. carpediembr

    Sniping needs to be balanced

    The only problem I see is the "zombie spawning situation" I normally snipe from very, very far away, like 400m+ (current highest was a 950m killshot)I just stay on hills ouside of high populated areas and wait for the zombies to spawn nearby. Even if you look around, you wont find me.
  16. carpediembr

    Sniping needs to be balanced

    I'm talking between sniper / regular soldier.As a sniper, most of the time, im on a higher ground looking thru my scope, not runing around corners, on top of buildings in middle of the city, or firing in middle of the woods. Well, if you want really realistic game without 3rd person, increase the FOV to 180, which is what humans see.
  17. carpediembr

    Sniping needs to be balanced

    Most scopes come with one of those already. Would be better if it would only reflect the light if you are looking thru the scope.
  18. carpediembr

    Change use of .50 cal Sniper Rifles

    Guys, even that the game tries to be realistic, its a game. If you take that people are not fit to run with a .50 cal, then take off helis, because almost knows how to fly one. It takes your 4 limbs to pilot one, its pretty damn hard, believe me. Not everyone knows how to ride a motorcycle, event being very simple. After everything the guy is running with the rifle in his back. Its a game... so stop whinning.
  19. carpediembr

    Sniping needs to be balanced

    I'd like to see that, but only if there is a bright sun on the sky. Something like between 7-Am and 11AM and then at 1PM-5PM. Not on rainy days or foggy days. I'm a sniper myself and I agree is pretty hard to people to spot me while im well hidden. About the 3rd person, it doenst make that much of difference.
  20. I'd love the idead that you would actually need to use the Hunting Rifle to hunt animals...
  21. carpediembr

    Combat loggers now get replaced with bots!

    Oh... if they made the timer for like 30minutes players would need to look for a better spot to d/c and they wouldnt be able to server hop that much. That would be amazing!If you complain about getting d/c, find a server in your region. I'm from Brazil and often play on US server, which kick me once in a while for high ping, but I dont care, I made this choice.
  22. Sao Paulo... love my city. But what I would like to see: - Better Inventory (bags and moving stuff around) - Cars brake down harder (Hitting a pole at 5pkh wont destroy a wheel :( ), but make it harder to fix it. - Zombies spawn/patch - Zeds not spawning while you are inside vehicle are baaad :(