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radrussian1 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by radrussian1 (DayZ)

  1. radrussian1 (DayZ)


    Hall just wanted some input. i doubt pleasing people was in his mind at all. he likes to work with people. listening to the people who play the game is never a bad thing.
  2. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Non Leathal Rounds?

    You make them harder to shoot. Rubber rounds travel about half as fast as regular ammo. So more bullet drop and lead.
  3. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Non-lethal weapons.

    because that not how every body plays? fucken duhhhhhhhhh.
  4. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Standalone - backpack access

    i actualy like that you can take stuff out of peoples backpacks. and if you took it out of the mod then good luck getting your buddy to take a blood bag out to heal you.
  5. rocket (or one of the other devs) actualy said that they are thinking about implementing children. a new type of zombie im guessing.
  6. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Balancing blood bag system

    aids blood bags
  7. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Map.. weapon..

    maps should be the rarest spawn. there should be other tools to triangulate your position. like your memory, or the journal that i heard they were going to put in. just write down whats what and shit like that. also using clouds to figure out east and west and that kind of thing. im tired of being spoon fed by games. thats mainly why im so intergued by dayz. there should just be different degrees of difficulty on different servers. i havent even played dayz lately because i only play private hives, and all the private hives that actualy have populations are dumb easy mode. litteraly walk for ten minutes and find every gun in the game... thats not survival. thats tdm.
  8. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    ZOMBIES : I Want more Zombies

    Ohh little children zombies. that would be some shit. all little and fast and hard to hit. you do bring up a really good point. theres all diffrent types of people. so lets have fat zombies that move really fucken fast. that would be intimidating. bodybuilder zombies. army zombies(which they have already implemented very well, with their helmets that block bullets and whatnot). i was also thinking animal zombies like bear or wolves. that would pose quite a challenge. but im not sure if whatever the infection is that made the zombies would support it
  9. 1. Chainsaw (needs fuel): totaly id love to find a chainsaw, and its not like there wouldnt be a chain saw in the type of enviorment that cherno is in. 2. Power tools like nailguns, buzzsaw, sander: those thing require a power source and the nailgun needs an air tank. sooooo im not a hundred percent on this. 3. Machete: sure 4. Cleaver (can be thrown too):most def. perfect weapon to find in grocery stores. 5. Katana blade(why not?) ninja style assasins weapon quiet and deadly. ehhhhh seems corny. 6. Chain: would be cool but to have a chain as a proper weapon there would need to be alot of physics tweaks. 7. Spear (throwable) or metal rod:uhhhhhhh well if it came down to a zed apocalypse i would prlly try to make a spear so yeah i dont see why not. 8. Baseball bat (combined with nails for extra damage):baseball isnt that big in that part of the world. it would seem very out of place. 9. Molotov cocktail:not a melee weapon but def needs to be in this game. easy to make and very effective. 10. Flamethrower (this should really be at the top but saved the best for last).:idanno about this really. military wouldnt be using them but you could technicaly make your own. but then again you can make a potato cannon so might as well throw that in there too.
  10. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Cooldown timers on food/drink.

    yeahhh this makes sense, but when your playing solo you kinda rely on shoving steaks down your esophagus. if there was a diffrent system to get blood back tho id be for this.
  11. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    adrenaline shots

    i think a revive mechanic in this game by adrenaline shots or defib paddles would be sweet.but they would have to be rare and the paddles would need a pretty long recharge. maybe it could require battery to use. and dont say its "unrealistic" people can be brought from the dead with both paddles and adrenaline. but if you die by head shot or an explosion or anything that would completely mutilate you you shouldn't be able to get revived.
  12. i think this should be done away with completely. im for it tho, i really like the hero skin and what it can bring to the table, a buletproof vest wearing knight in shining armor. but noone really likes this idea. i think the whole humanity system needs to just run in the background acting like something very simple. such as having good humanity you find better loot or you are less prone to disease. dayz is create your own story. having two seperate facitons to aim for (bandit or hero) kind of locks you into playing that way all the time. you will never see a bandit all of the sudden change their ways and start bloodpacking everyone.
  13. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Radios in Dayz

    so much yes. side chat should be disabled and you should have to find radios to communicate with people. over range. say your sitting at your camp swtching through the channels and you hear someone in need of help. also this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVxXHyE1CJM. creepy stuff like this needs to be in the game. makes it much more exciting.
  14. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Removal of Meat and Canteen

    as far as the matches go i think they need to be limited and much harder to use in rain for instance(if your in dense enough foliage then you can manage ect) this paired with disease would sky rocket the difficulty. ive never died from starvation in dayz and that honestly saddens me.
  15. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Fix for combat logging

    Gonna keep this short and sweet. What if when someone combat logs they immediately die and their corpse is lootable. I have no idea how servers would handle this from a technical stand point but it makes sense to me. Also make logging take 20-30 seconds like the camp function in Everquest and such games. Thoughts?
  16. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    PP-19 Merge/Split Ammo

    you would need an actual empty pp19 mag to achive this tho.
  17. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Duct tape fixes everything

    i did. they say to add to the conversation not hinder it. this is a sim for a fictional scenario. so is doom and farcry and pretty much every other game. the sims is a sim for real life and i can drown my baby and kill the neighbors. so please explain to me why i cant put a flashlight on my gun in a game. and have you ever heard of gorilla tape? that shit can hold an entire engine together.
  18. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Community Minigames

    grown men trying to survive the apocalypse sitting around playing video games wasting electricity. sounds pretty dumb when i say it like that. i like someone elses suggestion to have a simple deck of card to play whatever game you want with them. while i think a game console will be stupid i do think plays should be given the tools to have dumb fun. some of the best times in dayz is when you all get bored and have a glow stick dance party.
  19. well said. thats the whole point of the game. if you cant fathom past player killing then there is really no hope for you here. the only difrence between arma 2 multyplayer and dayz (other than the zombies) is that in arma you are locked down by certain objectives. in dayz you create your own.
  20. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Zombies freezing in cold places

    the arma engine is the exact opposite of limited. thats why there are so many mods for it -_-. and to all the ney sayers saying "oh zombies are dead how could they freeze?" what happens to meat when you put it in a freezer? it gets cold and stiff. end of statement.
  21. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Handcuffs, zipties and blindfolds.

    what do you want a fucken reward?
  22. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Duct tape fixes everything

    Oh cool. because this game is set in real life where real things happen like zombies. stfu plz3.
  23. ok so what about a hero that wants to knock out a bandit or possibly break his leg so he can interrogate him?
  24. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Walking Dead concept!

    says who?! how did you become the ambassador or dayz to be able to tell people what the zombies in the zombies or the virus in the game is or isnt?
  25. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Is melee combat being worked on for the Stand Alone?

    i love the axe. it has range like a mofo and its not hard to aim at all, you just gotta know how to aim it. cant wait to see how melee will be in sa tho. its all so exciting.