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radrussian1 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by radrussian1 (DayZ)

  1. i hate to say this but since they are def not doing all private hive servers the only thing we can hope for is a lock timer or something. or spawn people that have switched server in the designated spawn zone. otherwise i dont see a fix for this. private hives will prolly open up in the future tho. so we got that.
  2. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    We Need Twinkies!!

    cup noodles. combine them with boiled water. mmm mmm
  3. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Country-Specific Chopper Crashes

    yeah man, EVENTUALLY THEY will. not you.
  4. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Country-Specific Chopper Crashes

    my question is why do people talk about the game like we have any kind of back story. we dont know how the infection spreads or how it affects humans.
  5. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Why make instanced or underground bases?

    its actualy pretty obvious why we cant build above ground. computers dont just run on magic. they have limitations.
  6. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Arma3 Dayz MOD vs Dayz Standalone

    here is a question. why the fuck is everyone talking about SA and A3 like the are out already? we dont even have a release date. we dont know what the physics will be like. we dont know how clunky or not clunky it will be. we dont know if the animations will be good. does that make this thread redundant? yes i think so.
  7. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Weapons/combat suggestion

    guys. this is already in the game. hence not being able to turn quickly while in a small corridor if you are holding a weapon. i dont know if the SA will have it or not.
  8. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Death by Zombie: Zombie with your gear.

    its just how rocket described them... sorry for knowing things.
  9. radrussian1 (DayZ)


    yeah its just not feasible for hundreds of players, zombies, and animals to all be leaving decals in the world.
  10. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Advanced (zombie) infection in SA

    the game really needs to come out so people stop suggesting things. hahahahaha. its just sad now.
  11. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Death by Zombie: Zombie with your gear.

    they arent classic zombies. they are not living dead. they are infected. you dont come back when you die. you ether are infected or you are not. so no this suggestion needs to stop. this is the thirstt time ive seen it today.
  12. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Suggestion - Coming back as zombie (please read)

    i dont think people get that these arent zombies. these people didnt die. and then came back. they just got the virus and became whatever they are. as rocket has been trying to say. so dying and coming back isnt really an option.
  13. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Suggestion: weapon Repair and degradation

    jesus crist really. that like all rocket has been talking about. this is like me suggesting that kit-kats contain chocolate.
  14. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Pre-order

    why do people like pre order things? like why seriously why!?!?!!? what is this human condition that makes you wanna fork out money before you ever know what your buying. now dayz is a different story. we already know basically what were gonna get. but other games. its just stupid. and companies rely on this stupid herd mentality and put out shitty games and they make their mark because people buy the game before even knowing its a pos. fuck!
  15. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Real time plane crashes

    that happens already when player crash their choppers and planes. its actualy pretty common. why add it to the game when players already do it?
  16. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    [3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)

    i can not wait to eat me some derpy hooves. mmm mmm
  17. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Fuse boxes for buildings

    i want light because i want incentive to play at night and i want more stuff to do. and i get that a supposed to be harsh and a simulator but if you made it like real life down to the bone you wouldnt respawn after you die, there wouldnt be zombies, and loot wouldnt respawn. and im telling you right now if there was a zombie apocalypse the very first thing people would is to flock together and try to rebuild civilization. because thats wtf humans do. you cant ask a person to live in the woods without electricity. we are naturaly drawn to building. thats why our species is where we are.
  18. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Fuse boxes for buildings

    dude im not in a zombie apocalypse. im playing a game. it would be cool to restore power in this GAME!!!!!!!! Also being able to restore power to a city would give incentive to play at night without nvg's. thats another big thing. i dont know anyone that wants to run around in pitch black trying to find items.
  19. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    New self-use healing method?

    wait... didnt rocket say he didnt want to punish ANYONE for playing a certain way? then why is he punishing solo players?
  20. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Going to the "next" world after death

    i like the idea but its way too complicated. you could force a lockout on a server if you die on it. say an hour, where you can go to another server and keep playing and then come back and possibly salvage what you had on your body/tents.
  21. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    The Utes Airfield

    uhm. it kinda(not it totaly) makes sense for an island to have an air field. if im gonna go there im gonna fly. and if i fly im gonna need somewhere to land.
  22. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    SUGGESTION: Alcohol, and how it would effect gameplay.

    wellllll sure it technicaly does make you colder. but it makes you feel warm so that good enough to stop you from shaking.
  23. radrussian1 (DayZ)


    equipment ideas Glowstick: a cheaper version of a flashlight. It has limited range. ​ohh... so chem lights? that are already in the game. machete: it instantly gives the bleeding defect to your opponent. im sure there will be more melee weapons. gold bars: it could be a currency. why would you want gold in the zombie apocalypse? coffee: your character performs actions quicker and faster. might as well throw crack in there too.
  24. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Horses + New tool SADDLE

    im chill. there are tons of actualy good posts that warrant community feedback. what your doing is whats known as clutter. no one likes clutter.
  25. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Horses + New tool SADDLE

    fucken duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. they are considering horses. just chill the fuck out. read the forums first read what rocket has been saying then you can post suggestions. i see the same shit everrrrrrrrrrrrryyy day on here.