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radrussian1 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by radrussian1 (DayZ)

  1. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay

    no its just cancerous to go "of this looks even worse than arma 2, they will never fix this". ill admit the animations look janky but when have animations looked good 6 months into development. also the zombies was clipping through the wall but these things arent easy to fix.
  2. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay

    cool story. bye. dont come back. EDIT. btw SA has more color than dayz mod. so i really dont know what your going on about.
  3. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay

    well kind of less since they had to prety much scrap the engine and start all over.
  4. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay

    idanno if your capable of doing this. but count out the number of months (on your fingers) that this game has been in development. and then sit there and think about it, and what you said real hard.
  5. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Dead Simulation

    if it has stance adjustment like arma 3 (which im hoping it will) if you prone and you stance adjust down it looks like your kinda dead. but i think being able to feign death would be too easy to exploit. a sniper takes a shot you FD and ur safe. whats to stop people from doing it everytime they get shot at.
  6. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Underground Bases....?

    people have tried. ive seen it. but a hacker or some asshole always have to ruin it. those are the main issues with trading. no trust. no reason to trust.
  7. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Underground Bases....?

    i dont think its that good either. id much rather have a system for locking and boarding up the windows on existing buildings. if im with a group of people in a zombie apocalypse were not gonna build our own base were just gonna fortify a building thats already there.
  8. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    No DevBlog this week but here is some screens

    you know what im done reading these forums. such retartedness just makes my skin crawl. i wanna thank those of you that have a functioning brain in your cranium but for the rest of you you should be ashamed that you act like this. i thought we we're adults here.
  9. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Visual effects, Are they an inconvenience?

    they really need to make it so you can pick and choose what pp effects you want in arma 3/ dayz sa. i hate motion blur with a passion but bloom and stuff is pretty sweet imo.
  10. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    New tweet from Rocket

    it means that the architecture is done, and that they are going to do a large test tomorrow. who would have thought that words mean things.
  11. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    SA Suggestion: Making An Effort

    no dude. thats just what it looks like in russia.
  12. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Will Sniper Rifles be nerfed in the standalone?

    quit being a bitch and learn to play. i almost never get killed by sniper rifles because i dont make stupid decisions. i am aware of where a sniper would want to post up and i avoid that area. i keep my head on a swivel and i utilize cover. thats litteraly all you need to do. its not fucken hard. and other guns are just as powerfull. just learn to aim.
  13. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Pay a development company to make DAYZ

    i dont even wanna touch this. defiance is terrible. and that engine would not fit a somewhat realistic zombie simulator.... at all. the new arma engine is amazing. the animations are looking awesome the clunkiness is gone. i dont think you've thought this through.
  14. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Hideouts (modification of existing structures)

    i love this idea way more than the underground bases thing. with the shear ammount of enterable buildings your clan or whatever could like lockdown an entire appartment building to use as a base of opperations. this would add so much depth to the game its not even funny. sadly technical limitations... =/
  15. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    I would love to see specific graphics settings locked

    relax guy. the new engine isnt going to have these problems. it being so similar to the arma 3 engine there isnt much of a disadvantage to using high graphic settings compared to very low settings. its mostly the post processing. it darkens everything, not really a problem with the new engine. as for thick foliage and trees just turn that shit off. or just keep trees on. you cant even tell the difference with grass.
  16. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    sanity meter

    Dont try to tell me how i feel. Ive met tons of phychos in dayz because that how they were, they were psychos. and ive met some really nice people. thats the beauty its people. not characters on the screen. id say some post processes screen effect would be cool for if you are hungry or too hot and everything blurs and flashes but a sanity meter is just absurd to me. i dont want to be forced into a playstyle based on some arbitrary meter. i wanna do me in a zombie apocalypse.
  17. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Flashlight stab attack

    zombies with previous disabilities. hmmm how deliciously interesting.
  18. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Scoped Lee Enfield

    weapons are gonna be modular. so why is this even a suggestion?
  19. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Tents should disappear on death.

    ..... why would anyone use a tent then? "oh guys that im playing with i have a tent in the woods go ahead and store some guns in there oh whoops im dead too bad"
  20. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Headshots should be instant death

    yeah dude headshots are one hit kill no matter what gun. if you hit in the head and you didnt get a kill you ither missed because you arent aware of bullet drop and other mechanics, network lag, or you encountered a hacker.
  21. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Dayz Suggestions - weapon mods

    they say weapons will be completely modular and yet people are still suggesting modular weapons. im not trolling, just sayin people need to do their homework.
  22. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    PhysX Doors?

    physx is just particle effects.... collision "physics" are all over the place. it would be cool to just walk through doors automatically like in gta. they use the euphoria physics engine tho which is why they are able to do those things. its really adept at collision physics and it is very expensive. Also in arma 3 opening doors is a breeze, it all work really smooth you just walk up to the door and hit the default action key and it opens. im sure dayz will be the same way so just get it out of your head.
  23. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Improve mechanics and visual details

    i guess you havent watched a single dev blog or anything but they already smoothed out the mechanics. just as they did with arma 3.
  24. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    Hallucinations and hearing things that aren't there.

    uhh idanno what anyone else thinks but the game already does this. you hear ambient noise all around, and if you are under pressure(which is usually when you start to have auditory and visual hallucinations) you may interpret the sounds as something they are not. as for visual people think they see things in the game all the time when they really don't. you cant print human psyche onto code. its just something that is. putting hallucinations in a game detracts from that i think. i think all the game needs is more and better ambient effects to achieve this sort of unsureness of your environment. hallucinations seems like a way to tell the player to feel fear. its unnatural and dayz is all about making you scared at your core. heart rate rises. sweat glands open. your hands get shaky. your mind starts to race. then survival instincts kick in and you make a decision. why water that down? but those are just my thoughts on it.
  25. radrussian1 (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Helmet Idea

    wow man. why the hell do you think their in the game. -_-