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Everything posted by jonnerz

  1. Host Altitude has been bought out and they no longer offer DayZ hosting. http://www.hostaltit...nvoice-logo.png Host Altitude Premium DayZ Hosting www.hostaltitude.com | www.dayzhosting.com SALE! Get 40% OFF your first month with us! Use the code "DAYZSEPT" at checkout. We've been providing NY 1-4 since the public launch of DayZ. We were one of the first hosts to put up a DayZ server and we are working our best to supply even more servers to the DayZ team. We are a registered limited company in the UK and have been hosting game servers (mainly Minecraft) since January 2011. Things you should know: 1. We offer a 5 day money back guarantee. No questions asked. We also don't keep overpayments. 2. We've been around for over 18 months with extremely good reviews. Feel free to Google us, we're telling the truth. 3. We are for real. We are a REGISTERED LIMITED COMPANY in the UK and we have properly employed staff who are on a payroll. We are not a pop-up company and we will be here for the long haul. 4. We love all our customers and are deeply hurt when they are unhappy. Some aspects of our DayZ hosting you may disagree on such as restricting the server.cfg and taking harsh action on those locking their servers (We consider it cheating). We do this to protect the DayZ Mod and keep it going in the direction it's meant to be going. ---------------------------------------------------------- Standard DayZ Server (Slot Based) This option provides you with a slot based DayZ server which you can control using our control panel. Managed Server TCAdmin Control Panel (One click updates, start/stop, configuration editing, restart scheduling) Full FTP Access (server.cfg is restricted) 1 Gbps Connection Unlimited Bandwidth Instant Setup (Soon!) Locations: Germany (EU); Dallas, TX; New York, NY and Phoenix, AZ. $1.00/slot - BUY NOW ---------------------------------------------------------- VPS Option This option provides you with your very own Virtual Private Server (aka Virtual Dedicated Server), you won't find this price anywhere else for a 3GB VPS with a huge amount of dedicated CPU aswell as Unmetered Bandwidth. I have highly discounted the prices just for DayZ. Here are the full specs: E3-1230 (8x 3.6GHz) 3GB Dedicated RAM 100GB Hard Drive Space 100Mbps Connection Unmetered Bandwidth Windows Server 2008 Standard DayZ will be pre-installed, you will have remote desktop access and you can install whatever you want on it (as long as it's legal!). $50/month ---------------------------------------------------------- Dedicated Server Option This option provides you with your very own Dedicated Server with the following specs: E3-1230 (8x 3.6GHz) 8GB, 12GB, 16GB or 32GB Dedicated RAM 500GB (New York) or 1TB (Dallas) Enterprise SATA2 Hard Drive 100Mbps Connection Unmetered Bandwidth (Dallas) or 10TB Bandwidth (New York) Windows Server 2008 Standard 8GB can provide about 1-2 DayZ Servers. 12GB can provide about 2-3 DayZ Servers. 16GB can provide about 3-4 DayZ Servers. 32GB can provide 4 DayZ Servers, maybe even 5 but this hasn't been tested. DayZ will be pre-installed, you will have remote desktop access and you can install whatever you want on it (as long as it's legal!). $159/month ---------------------------------------------------------- Visit www.dayzhosting.com for more details If you have any questions, reply in here or contact [email protected] All servers are provided by Host Altitude Limited. We are a registered company who provide many different online services
  2. What is your ticket number? I will look into this personally, I'm sorry our support staff have not been able to help you. Dispute is not needed, if we can clearly see you have been having issues due mainly to us I will be happy to refund you. A PayPal dispute will just delay the process as we may contest it. PayPal also don't actually follow-up disputes for intangible services, it's always best to talk to us about it - we're not monsters. On an unrelated note have launched a sale! 40% off your first month! Use the code "DAYZSEPT".
  3. jonnerz not working host altitude

    We are working on this now, should work very soon. We will send an email out when it is ready.
  4. We are adding the update now, it will be available in about 10-15 minutes. We were advised not to add it until today due to some issues with the update. Our support system was offline for a few hours last night and we sent out an email explaining the reason for this. We also provided ways to contact us if you could still not get on the support system. We've received a large amount of tickets due to the duplicating server issue we had 2 days ago as well as customers asking for the new update. We will be working extra hours tonight to get tickets answered.
  5. Sometimes when we add a new update the control panel doesn't properly update the file location for a handful of nodes. We've not found the cause of this but it requires us to simply click a button for it to work. If you create a ticket letting us know what the error is we can normally fix this very quickly. We will get to your ticket as soon as possible. We do care, we just have a small backlog due to an issue with the control panel last night.
  6. All servers have been restarted throughout the evening and a few were restarted twice. This was to address the above problem users were having. I apologise for no prior notice as we had to act quickly with this. EDIT: All new orders are now instantly setup.
  7. We're addressing the duplicating servers issue now. Should be all sorted within the next 30 minutes.
  8. Friday to Monday was a Bank Holiday in the UK and our support was slow because of this, I apologise for no warning in advanced as this was meant to have been sent. All tickets will be answered today and most orders will also be setup today. If you would like a refund please create a ticket with billing and we will do this for you. If you create a PayPal dispute before contacting us you won't get the refund for at least 1-2 weeks (As this can't be processed by Billing Staff, only one member of staff can sort these out).
  9. Yes it's how we are resolving it. You are causing many problems for other customers. I've given you many chances to try and resolve the issue but we just receive abuse from you in the majority of tickets. The fact I am giving you a 50% refund for this is extremely rare and I can tell you now that no other host would be so generous. Feel free to use another provider who can offer better protection or simply wait for our new line of VPS. Our hosting is not suited for your needs right now. We won't be using the IP for a couple of weeks so I'm sure this script kiddie will get bored by then. I don't see why someone would be DDoSing you several times a day for at least 3 days without having any reason to or not even knowing your server is still active. I'm not sure what you are hosting on your VPS to attract such people.
  10. You are being DDoSed several times a day, it's standard practice for a DC to null-route the IP being attacked. These are high PPS attacks and can cause network issues for other customers in the DC. You are causing us more damage than you think. We've been working on getting an IP available for you but we had to discuss if it was worth it: If the attacker can find the new IP with ease then there is no point as the same issue will happen again. Your server being DDoSed is NOT our fault and the fact you know who is doing it and it's directed personally at you means we are not to blame for anything. Feel free to cancel at the end of the month as you have caused other customers problems too. In reply to your "edit", you are on a legacy VPS option. Only 4 other customers have a VPS in the same DC and no new customers will ever be put on your same type of hosting. Our new line of VPS will better cope with this as they are based in another DC (these are not out yet but will be soon). This means no new customer's VPS will be as sensitive to DDoS attacks.
  11. Changing an IP is not simple. For starters, I am the only one who can manually change VPS IPs at the moment. Secondly, we had to wait for a free IP which was due to open up today, it wasn't actually free until much later in the day and I was not on in the evening. Yes, I failed to mention this to you and I am really sorry. As for the no refunds, we don't refund customers who get DDoSed 3+ times a day by someone who is specifically targeting you. No one refunds for this I'm not sure why you think we would. I've explained this to you many times.
  12. As I said above: Yours would have been of those not inside the vast majority as it had to be seen by management (me in this case). I was away last night which is why your ticket was not responded too in good time. Apart from that one wait, your replies were answered within minutes. The dispute does not affect response time at all, your ticket was flagged to me prior to your threat and I answered it the moment I read it.
  13. We currently have 0 pending tickets and just a handful of servers to create (will be up shortly). The vast majority of tickets have been responded too within a few hours at the most. Some may take longer depending on if our staff can answer them or need to escalate them to management. Our average response time today has been 45 minutes. The day before was 1 hour. I can safely say our support is back to it's amazing standards! Our orders will also be instant from Tuesday now that we have no back log.
  14. No server setups have taken more than 48 hours recently unless something has gone wrong. Most take under 12 hours. If you have a ticket open we will answer it very soon, if not then please do so.
  15. Very sorry for the delays with customer support, due to unforeseen circumstances with the staff member who was meant to be online last night we were not able to answer any tickets. We are going through them now.
  16. What's your ticket numbers? Setup time is currently same-day.
  17. This was added earlier today. Current setup times are now same day. New York is out of stock until Tuesday/Wednesday. Support tickets have been slow over the weekend but will be back to normal on Monday. Hope the following is helpful to current and future customers, we are working on keeping you all updated via this forum and Twitter. Constructive feedback is always greatly appreciated. We are opening up a new location in Netherlands, orders are currently being accepted and we hope to have these up on Monday/Tuesday. If you are a current customer and wish to be moved to NL, please await an email with instructions on how to do so in a couple of days.
  18. We had a small whitelisting issue but this was sorted last night. This causes the "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application, you cannot play on this server, if you are the server admin please contact Day Z Staff". No other customer on your node reported a DDoS and the logs we have on the node showed no signs of a DDoS. It wasn't a DDoS you experienced. I'm also not sure why it took so long to get your password changed but obviously this is not how long it normally takes us and we have a rough week last week.
  19. Current backlog of orders is almost cleared, this was caused by the staff shortage last week. Once this backlog is cleared there will be instant server setups. Support responses have been slower than we aimed for the start of this week, we are working on this however and hope to have support back to normal (4 hour response) within the next few days.
  20. Unfortunately we have a small delay with our Dallas location, it will be online tomorrow. Your ticket will be responded to very soon if it hasn't already. If you are not happy then you only need to ask us for a refund, calling PayPal is unnecessary and will take much longer.
  21. We had a few issues with our new NY (I assume you mean NY rather than LA) stock as it took longer than usual to get them whitelisted. When we made that tweet we were under the impression they were already whitelisted by the DayZ team but this was not the case. If you ordered when the ETA for NY was before what it says now, your server will be up tomorrow. You will be compensated for every day you missed. We normally add an ETA to the order page for each location. If you ordered when there was no ETA then we were aiming for a same day setup for you. Due to unforseen staff shortages and an issue with white listing, this ETA was delayed. As stated in earlier replies, our service will be back to normal tomorrow. There was no VPS restock, that customer already had a VPS from a while ago. Like I said, we have been understaffed on three occasions now and things will be back to normal as of tomorrow morning. Staff have no more planned vacations/holidays and we are taking on a new staff member later this week. We hope to get response times down to a maximum of 4 hours (rather than our current target of 4 hour average). I can assure things will only get better with us and you will regret leaving us after we have resumed the service we provided prior to our DayZ hosting boom.
  22. Like I said we happily compensate customers that are unhappy, whether you want a full refund or you want your billing date pushed forward to compensate on missed days we do it. Simply create a ticket to billing it will be done within 24 hours. I am currently using my phone as I'm away from my PC for this evening. Our support staff are reading this forum. HunterBoy when I said we had 60 tickets that was how many we had at that time. We got 100-200 tickets a day. Unfortunately I can't log into the program we use for VPS hosting on my phone to recover your pass but I believe a staff member is sorting this out for you. You made a large amount of tickets requesting different things, our support checked your latest ticket which was requesting a refund which was why you were refunded. Your files are still Herr so we will resume your VPS and recover the password which you forgot or changed. Sorry for any misunderstandings.
  23. We currently get about 100-200 support tickets a day. These range from customers requiring a password or requesting details about our services. Whilst it may take 3 seconds for us to fix your problem, we have a large amount of support requests that were made before yours. We like to be fair and answer these in order of time waiting. I can't personally look into your problem now as I am about to have no internet access for 2-3 hours, I will however let our staff know. Disputing your payment will only delay a refund for 10-20 days. I'm not asking you to not dispute it for reputation reasons, I'm asking you to request a refund through a much quicker and more convenient route. If you make a ticket to billing like I said above we will refund you within the next 24 hours.
  24. Please check out the following posts for an explanation of our poor service of the past few days: http://dayzmod.com/f...500#entry557405 http://dayzmod.com/f...500#entry557857 We are truly disappointed in ourselves and our service will be hugely improved by the start of next week. We also happily provide refunds if you are unhappy with your service (as explained in the first link above) and disputes only cause longer delays in you getting your money back.