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About irbullet

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. irbullet

    Buttons flickering

    Alright, thanks.I'm new to DayZ
  2. irbullet

    Buttons flickering

    Thanks, and how do i fix auto text complete (turn it off)
  3. irbullet

    Buttons flickering

    My post posted twice.. And yeah the tab key is doing that, Anyway I can fix that?
  4. irbullet

    Buttons flickering

    Yeah auto text complete. Halp me turn it off.And it's like when I press ESC or any buttons in general like disconnect and etc.
  5. irbullet

    Buttons flickering

    Yeah auto text complete. Halp me turn it off.And it's like when I press ESC or any buttons in general like disconnect and etc.
  6. irbullet

    Buttons flickering

    I just got Dayz last night and all my buttons are flickering, Literally. It's very annoying and when I try to type it types "where" if I type A it does 'adding" too. Please help, Thanks
  7. irbullet

    DayZ Antialiasing

    I agree, I turned everything up to high / very high other then AA and ugly post processing to make up for the loss of AA.
  8. irbullet

    DayZ Antialiasing

    Alright, Thanks to you both. Your opinion, Is it worth the performance?This is temporary until xmas anyways when I get my 7950. I don't know how to talk to people via text chat or whatever it's called :/ If anyone has steam and could help me a bit, That'd be nice **EDIT** It doesn't look that bad :P With AA off I can turn up other settings to make up for it! http://steamcommunit...s/?id=109495266 Steam makes it look weird when uploaded :/
  9. I started up dayz for the first time and joined a server, I realized was receiving 25-27 FPS. I messed around a little and it didn't get much better, But then I disabled antialiasing and it hopped up 25 fps? o.O Question is, Do I need / want antialiasing or is it not that noticable? Specs 16 GB RAM i7 3770K Nvidia GTX 550Ti (Will be upgrading soon probably) Thanks, And I'm new to DayZ