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Everything posted by OGLiamNeeson

  1. OGLiamNeeson

    Gangnam Style In DayZ

    can i b in one yor vidz pls ima gud plair nd im god at snyp k plz
  2. OGLiamNeeson

    Gangnam Style In DayZ

    really tired of this gangnam style bullshit
  3. OGLiamNeeson

    Looking to help admin a server

    that wasn't his question, though.
  4. OGLiamNeeson

    YouTuber looking for Partner

    1. i've had multiple other youtube accounts 2. there's nothing to upload
  5. OGLiamNeeson

    YouTuber looking for Partner

    Age: 16 Name: Ted YT: http://www.youtube.com/user/AcademicGorilla/videos?flow=grid&view=0 Skype: Metallideth (ted) i am a very well DayZ player, i've been playing for a few months now and i am wanting to make frequent videos.
  6. OGLiamNeeson

    Should i feel bad?

    you killed him for the lulz, and afterward you found that he had amazing gear. you're a prick. but that's what DayZ's all about. but you're still a prick.
  7. OGLiamNeeson

    Looking To Start A 3 Man Group To Game With!

    .. what's your Skype?
  8. I AM SEARCHING FOR (A) DAYZ COMPANION(S)! hi. i'm going to make this short and simple. i am only going to consider those who meet these requirements: Over a few months of experience in DayZ. 16+ (I am 16 myself). Very well geared up. Up north on a public hive (near NWA or Stary Sobor). Positive about the game. Not in a jam (low blood, broken leg, etc). Around Chernogorsk on a public hive i am very strict on those rules. i don't like having to teach a guy who has one week of experience the difference between Elektro and Cherno. thanks.
  9. OGLiamNeeson

    Searching for a DayZ companion.

    bump bumpity bump
  10. OGLiamNeeson

    Looking To Start A 3 Man Group To Game With!

    1. can you make an exception for a 16 year old? 2. private or public hive (hopefully public, im a little above Chernogorsk with a Coyote backpack, planning to head north).
  11. I am tired of people hoarding vehicles all the time. I work my ass off to find a vehicle, when jackasses can roll on down to the coast and grab an ATV and go park it somewhere very well hidden and never use it again. What I'm saying is, there should be a new little thing where if a vehicle isn't used for a certain amount of time, it re-spawns in the next server restart.
  12. i saw this picture in the "DayZ Memes" thread, and i was wondering how the fuck you get that awesome outfit!! is it like something from the PMC or BAF DLC?
  13. OGLiamNeeson

    Searching for a DayZ companion.

    a parent who insults teenagers for no reason. i can tell your children are going to grow up to be successful, just like their father. and troll? you need to look up the definition of troll.
  14. OGLiamNeeson

    Searching for a DayZ companion.

    http://www.hasbro.co...ttlepony/en_us/ it seems like DayZ is a little too much for you. i've proven that i do indeed help people by introducing you to a place more your speed.
  15. OGLiamNeeson

    Looking for active people to play with

    read my signature. i'm down.
  16. OGLiamNeeson

    Where did this outfit come from?

    the hat is PS'd in the photo. i was talking about the scarf and all. but i was sure that the CZ 550 was added into DayZ.
  17. OGLiamNeeson

    Go Home DayZ, You're Drunk.

  18. OGLiamNeeson

    DayZ Group Phoenix PMC Recruitment

    Your Real Name: Ted Your Screen Name: Metallideth Were Are You From: Florida, USA Your Age: 16 How Long Have You Been Playing Arma: 1 year. Did You Start Because Of DayZ: Yes. Do You Have Any Recording Software: Yes. Do You Have A Skype: Yes, Metallideth. Can You Be A Leader: I am qualified, yes. How Regularly Do You Play Arma: Arma 2 - once every blue moon. DayZ - Every day. How Well You Work With A Team (1-10): 4 (I like to do things myself, I'll explain via something personal). Why You Would Like To Join (4 sentences or more): I'd like to take my expertise and skills in DayZ (a year) and offer them in your group. I am a good CQC and marksman. I've trained myself in the game on alerted zombies and players. I've been recognized on few servers with a few very dominate nick-names. "Bad Cop," "Hungry Hero." I am very tired of wasting my skills and experience on myself, and I'd rather offer them to you. I am very quiet, so you shouldn't worry about me being an annoyance.
  19. OGLiamNeeson

    Why did they nerf the DMR?

  20. here are the forums, everyone: http://w11.zetaboards.com/Fade_To_Black_Gaming/index/
  21. ANOTHER great night on this server yesterday, i LOVE this server!
  22. sorry, he's right. it's DayZ Commander's fault. this server is great, i love it.
  23. amazing fucking server, i'm going to play on it as much as i can. *THEY DO NEED TO UPDATE TO THE LATEST DayZ VERSION! im Hamstaine from the server