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Everything posted by OGLiamNeeson

  1. OGLiamNeeson

    Weird Global Ban

  2. OGLiamNeeson

    Anyone willing to team up with a teenager?

    i hate the fact he asks for if you have a squeaky voice or not. it's just like me asking if he has a "deep" voice or not. oh, nice name. it's original.
  3. Hello, I am looking for a partner (or two, or three) to play on a Private Hive Server with. I am not looking for a clan, because clans suck. I have a few requirements, though. Positive about the game. 16 or older. Have been playing the game for over "three" months. Know the map very well. .. And that's about it. Hit me up here, or add me on Steam or Skype. Skype: floridagators32712 Steam:
  4. this is about the worst recruitment advertisement ever.
  5. C+P this: floridagators32712 but if that doesn't work, give me your's.
  6. i'd join and avoid the event.