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About kazer

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  1. Full-fledged cities might be a stretch, but adding structures is definitely doable. Case in point: military tents (like the ones in Stary and Berez) aren't there in the original Chernarus
  2. I really like the zombies' detection/aggro in Crouch running around zombies when they aren't looking and diving into prone when they're about to turn toward you is efficient and moderately challenging without being frustratingly slow. Still somewhat buggy, but definitely getting there. Only major hiccup for me seems to be in multi-storied buildings, like apartment complexes. I now entirely avoid those, because it seems I always end up aggroing a horde of zombies even though they're outside on ground level and I'm on the 3rd floor. Then they warp/glitch around the staircases, sometimes popping up right on top of me...
  3. Probably been raised already, but the combining ammo makes for easy exploiting (at least for 1911/revolver ammo). 1911 mag with 1 bullet (more left) can be "combined" into a full revolver clip, which can then be recombined into a full 1911 mag. You can thus use a single mag to fire indefinitely, as long as you never fire that last bullet.
  4. He's the Scion foretold in the Prophecy!! ALL HAIL
  5. Not F2P. Monthly fee would be fine for me personally, but these days the great majority of those games see a huge decrease in player base after a few months (one year top). They then usually have to go F2P...
  6. kazer

    Cheating death through disconnects

    At that point you're just fiddling with the ratio of Type I to Type II errors. The more your system is tough on willful DCers, the more accidental DCs you'll punish as collateral damage (False positives). The more your system can be forgiving to accidental DCs, the more it'll be abusable for intentional DCs to get away with it (False negatives). MMOs usually go for the former; minimizing false negatives at the expense of more false positives. It's because they know that if you leave ANY wiggle room to exploit a system, a subset of players will always end up abusing the hell out of it, ruining the experience for everyone else.
  7. Speed is fine, but I'd tone down on the twitchiness and weird zig-zag movements. Especially since high speed + high twitchiness + just a little bit of lag = warping around like crazy and way harder to kill than it should be.