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Everything posted by z11ab

  1. z11ab

    Where to find SKS?

    I've seen/found the SKS, shotgun, mosin, and the double barrel hunting rifle, in the small office (school) 3rd floor (also spawns m4s) and on the roof, in one the brown barns, the large office building, and the building with the piano in it. I also found some mosins in cars a few patches back until one of the patches stopped stuff from spawning in cars.
  2. As of now you have a seperate charater for hardcore and regular servers, and seperate characters (regular and hardcore) for the experiemntal patch if you opt into it. Totaling at 4 if you use both stable and experimental patches.
  3. RAM generally does not affect gaming performance, unless you have very little RAM ( 4GB is enough for most games) or you like to keep multiple applications running in the background and/or alt-tab often you may not see a benefit in games. However if you feel you computer is generally sluggish, getting more RAM will definitely improve responsiveness and load times.
  4. As of now the DayZ alpha runs about the same as the mod in terms of FPS for me and most people i asked, (although it does look better and seems more fluid) except near the new apartments north of cherno where most people experience a significant FPS drop. So expect similar FPS for now if you get anything drastically different, that would surprise me.
  5. Sorry, i don't that laptop will run DayZ in its current state at all. You might want to build or buy a desktop if you want to play DayZ.
  6. That should run it fine at that resolution, although the graphics card is a bit old and I would recommend getting something newer faster with more VRAM in the near future, if you plan on playing at a better resolution. (if you stay at that resolution that card should be fine)
  7. I don't think you would get a comfortably playable FPS with that laptop. Both Arma and DayZ are quite CPU demanding and i don't think that clock speed is enough, considering it is behind most current desktops. The GPU although reasonable for a laptop, is not meant for gaming, you could wait and see if DayZ becomes more optimized in the future.
  8. z11ab

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    As of now the DayZ game runs about the same as the mod, in terms of FPS. However it looks better and seems to be more fluid. If the mod was truly unplayable for you it is unlikely the DayZ alpha in its current state will perform any better. I suggest either assembling your own DayZ worthy desktop or buying one, if not you could wait and see if the game becomes more optimized.
  9. z11ab

    Got Any Tips?

    Ok, so when you find a well, drink till your not thirsty then keep drinking until your character starts complaining about being full or stuffed because that will give you about an hour and a half until you'll need to drink again. You can now make a splint using rags and a stick to fix your legs if they are broken. The school/office building can spawn mosins and m4s, I have also found a mosin in one of the orange brick buildings. Don't eat rotten fruit unless you are starving. The shotgun and .357 don't spawn yet, only the ammo does so you might not want useless ammo in your inventory. The axes are the best melee weapons in game currently, splitting axe is a 2 hit kill to zeds and the fire axe is a 1 hit kill. (it's pretty much useless trying to kill a zed with anything else) Axes, knives, bayonets, and screwdrivers can be dragged and dropped on cans and used to open them. Don't combat log.
  10. z11ab

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Should run it as best as it can run, for comparison i have a i5 3570, and a HD7850 and run the game fine (~20-30 fps in cities and above 40 elsewhere).
  11. z11ab

    Looking for a team

    Hmm why not? Feel free to add me on steam. (it's same as my forum name z11ab)
  12. z11ab

    What would you like see added to the game

    I would like more holsters like, hip, thigh, shoulder, and ankle holsters, with their own pros and drawbacks. Such as the shoulder and chest holsters should hold some mags and have a medium length draw time, the hip/thigh should have a quick draw time and not hold extra mags and the ankle should be generally hidden from view under pants and/or boots and cannot be seen or looted from an unconscious body unless the clothing covering it is removed first, the drawback to the ankle holster is that it should require the user to be crouched and maybe it could only hold smaller pistols after more are introduced. Also the sawn-off shotgun should count as a pistol and you should be able to saw off the mosin into an Obrez pistol :D
  13. z11ab


    It's just a glitch on some servers, there's nothing much that can be done to get your stuff back unless you talk to an admin and even then your chances are slim. if your character is stuck in the middle of the ocean ask a admin to help or kill your character. (or just press the re-spawn button if you're quick enough) Sorry about that glitch, hopefully it'll be fixed soon.
  14. z11ab

    Outdated DayZ

    Dayz commander is probably the most foolproof way of getting the mod working and launching custom maps. Although if you can be bothered i suggest learning how to launch DayZ through steam launch options, since its more reliable and for me dayz commander sometimes launches dayz without the beta patch (IDK why). I'll tell you how to launch it though launch options if you want to know.
  15. z11ab

    Should I bother getting day z?

    If you're currently looking for a atmospheric, unique game and have a PC that can run it reasonably well. Then go for it, its half the price of any "big budget" game recently released and incredibly fun and sometimes frustrating at times.
  16. z11ab

    Gimp pistols

    Play the game and actually look at and use the m1911 and the revolver, because you obviously haven't done that. When you started this thread you asked "So what is the point (besides variety) of having the revolver and M9 in DayZ?" and people gave you reasons such as preference, texture and that easier to use sights on the revolver/M9. If you wanted to be agreed with, you should have talked to yourself instead of condescendingly mocking others peoples opinions, because they are what you asked for.
  17. A couple of hours (and deaths) after i first started playing DayZ (around June or July, i got arma 2 CO during the steam sale) I spawned in Elektro and looted the firestation, church, school, and bar I found an AK in the station and a Makarov in the school. I then see another survivor, bleeding and walking past the little grocery store with a double-barrel, i yell friendly and he reply's friendly back to me, so i go and bandage him and tell him he's bleeding, he says thanks, then promptly shoots me in the face, twice. Learnt not to trust people with double-barrels that day.....
  18. z11ab

    How much internet does DayZ use ?

    I'm not sure on the exact figures but the mission file alone is 8MB and most games need at least a 256kb/s download rate to play well. so what you should consider is how expensive mobile internet is in your country and how stable/fast it is.
  19. z11ab


    I also use the lagarith lossless codec, you can try and use the h.264 codec. It looks ok, not as good as lagarith lossless codec but the file sizes are reasonably smaller. Although i had trouble getting it to work well and better quality with lagarith lossless codec were worth the larger sizes.
  20. Logical answer is no because arma does not use much ram to begin with however some crazy things can happen, but the best solution is to invest in a dedicated gaming PC/laptop (the desktop will be cheaper) to have a satisfactory experience.
  21. z11ab

    Horrible performance.. decent computer?

    Yep, this also worked for me, saw a youtube vid that said it should help, and it did. If that dosent help, try turning down post -processing effects and terrain detail to improve performance.
  22. z11ab

    Fraps, will it get me banned.

    Recording programs run locally and independent of the game- not changing or interfering with it in any way, there is no way a server could deduce you are using fraps, let alone ban you for using it.
  23. z11ab

    Guys I'm really in need of help!!!

    ok, have you tried going into the steamapps folder and launching it from there? Did you launch Arma and OA to generate the required files (ini, cfg) and install battle eye before installing Dayz. Try these things on a clean install and post back with results. Good luck and hope you make it to Chernarus.