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About knightcat

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. knightcat

    Seattle 35 Removed

    Actually, we've had DayZ drive a lot of people to buy ARMA II: OA and are now trying the other game modes as well. Does Six Updater have graphs specific to what mod they are playing on? I apologize if I missed that on the link....
  2. knightcat

    Seattle 35 Removed

    care to share your sources ? cuz everyday we got a new player record... Well, Steam reported a peak of 4,147 players today but, it's still early. I also feel that basing anything on the statistics of this week (being a holiday in the US) would be a poor idea.
  3. knightcat

    Seattle 35 Removed

  4. knightcat

    Seattle 35 Removed

  5. knightcat

    Seattle 35 Removed

    Here in California, they CAN tell you what color to paint your house... and make you water your lawn. On YOUR house... One of the reasons I hate the concept of an HOA. You should take some time and read all of the strange things an HOA can make you do and charge you to be a member the whole time! HOA's are so complicated their are legal firms/teams that specialize in handling just HOA cases.
  6. knightcat

    Seattle 35 Removed

    I have no problem with the fact that the server will no longer be allowed to host DayZ. I have no problem with the fact that HFB wants to terminate their service. I am specifically suggesting that HFB find a reason other than the one that has been given in order to prevent themselves from being put in a difficult legal position.
  7. knightcat

    Seattle 35 Removed

    Yeah I see it now. Had to look over it again. Again' date=' like I said, you're an idiot if you host with HFB. Simple. I wouldn't pay for such ludicrous rules. [/quote'] And you think that if your server was caught without battle eye, they wouldn't just blacklist your IP? Effectively cutting you off from hosting DayZ? HBS Had two options. Let DayZ blacklist the IP (and fuck over others using the same IP) or suspend the persons account. so either take out 4 servers (3 following the rules) or take out one rule breaking server. SUCH A DIFFICULT CHOICE. I really think I do understand what your trying to get at wild, but really the way your stating it probably is not the clearest. You wouldn't host with HBS because you feel that even if you break the rules (set forth by DayZ Mod itself, that you are required to follow when hosting a server regardless of if its a box, or a rented VPS) you shouldn't be in trouble, and should be able to keep hosting DayZ. Correct me if I'm wrong? Ultimately HFB doesn't have two legally acceptable options. They need to isolate that server instance from the other three so that it can be blocked without affecting their clients in good standing. Technically it is stupid to have a DayZ server that is blacklisted but, they did pay for the server for the pre-defined period of time and even with it being blacklisted, HFB is contractually obligated to continue to provide that service through the already paid time period.
  8. knightcat

    Seattle 35 Removed

    Ohhhhhh yes they did. That's why I didn't see it earlier. You sneaky fuckers. This would not be considered a valid reason to terminate the server given that it was not updated until after the incident and it would still require at least an implied approval of the TOS modification from ALL of the people renting servers from HFB. OLD TOS attached.
  9. knightcat

    Seattle 35 Removed

  10. knightcat

    Seattle 35 Removed

  11. knightcat

    Seattle 35 Removed

    While that may be a Topic on DayZ Forums, it is not included in the TOS and the TOS is what would have to give HFB the right to terminate without a refund. Frankly, the TOS needs a re-write. They need to build in an allowance for DayZ to demand termination of services. It would only require one sentence. The TOS needs to be reviewed by HFB's legal counsel to make sure it can be used, as currently there are many changes that I would require in order to protect HFB and prevent problems if I were representing HFB.
  12. knightcat

    Seattle 35 Removed

    Trimmed down a lot to prevent spamming.... The DayZ Staff is specifically not receiving any donation in this case. I'm not sure of International Laws as it applies here but' date=' in the US they would have to report all of these 'Donations' and have created an organization that is eligible to receive such donations without paying taxes. The donation of every server would have to be reported at fair market value and so on....... [hr'] Read the rules that are posted. They aren't being terminated for any of those rules.
  13. knightcat

    Seattle 35 Removed

  14. knightcat

    Seattle 35 Removed

    Your TOS does not refer to a posted set of rules controlled by DayZ Staff. It instead has a list of rules that were provided to you by DayZ Staff at that point in time. If you terminate/suspend their service without a refund, you will be opening yourself up to legal action as, the reason given for the termination/suspension is not included in the TOS to which you have them agree. As much as your intent may have been for your TOS to state that they must follow all current and future rules put forth by the DayZ Team, you failed to include that specific statement in the TOS.
  15. knightcat

    Seattle 35 Removed
