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About wolfwood428

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  1. wolfwood428

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    I just enforce no Battle logging/Zed Loggin/Ammo Bug Logging. and if anyone is caught doing do i delete their character data from my server. i also have Notifications if any one says Relog (And variations of) in any of the Chat channels so i can see why they would be re logging.
  2. wolfwood428

    The Walking Dead

    Yeah Man. ITS REALLY BAD!!! i have had it happen four times yesterday alone... pretty Poor Practice ya'll... not making you guys popular amongst the community...
  3. wolfwood428

    The Walking Dead

    How about people from your server stop coming into mine with a Hack that Greys out my Screen and Says "The Walking Dead Server is The BEST"....
  4. wolfwood428

    PDW SD legit ? please help

    Friend of Mine Looted an IED out of someones Vehicle, He logged then came back in server, BOOM BANNED!
  5. Link to the Bliss Server pack is in the Info section on Youtube.
  6. wolfwood428

    DayZ Fallujah Private Hive.

    Could you tell me how you got Vehicles to Spawn? and did you happen to use this method if so i REALLY need your Help! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gX9zGrSYXs
  7. A buddy of Mine set up a Private DayZ Server and is currently running it on Chernaurus(sp?), BUT we wanted to try out Fallujah, problem is he has to run something to spawn vehicles before starting the Server, HOWEVER it can['t spawn ANY of the Vehicles in Fallujah. Here is a Link to the Method he uses to run his server http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gX9zGrSYXs
  8. wolfwood428

    Crashing on server join
