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Everything posted by martshal

  1. martshal

    BattleEye Restriction #45

    Um, are the moderators going to combine all of the threads for error #45 and #41 into one thread? This is a recurring problem; especially with updates. I had to revert my last update back to 1.7.3 because I couldn't sign on to any of the servers with the update... b.e. error #41 (no, I didn't have a skin other than that which I spawned). Anyway, being a recurring problem, I'd think that a more robust fix could be posted for the server admins on some static post.
  2. martshal

    Battleye Ban script #45 and #41

    I still have the original civies on my character he spawned with... it's the server side BE, not anything the client is doing. "The fault dear Brutus lies in our servers, not in ourselves."
  3. martshal

    Build Rolling Update Released on DayZ mod site... congratulations, you've now official prevented me from using DayZ altogether. My client, which was working this morning, is now being kicked from all servers with the update "Script Restriction #41" (I've never run an illegal script in my life, don't know where I'd find one). Or, being kicked from servers with old versions: "This server running an incorrect version of the server side ... you cannot play on this server..." So, hows that rolling update thing working for you?