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Everything posted by LAR

  1. LAR

    Character not saving.

    Woooow!!! I'm really frustrated right now... After playing for 3-4 hours yesterday starting at Devil's Castle and running to Stary Novor,where i found a bus in very good condition (only needed to refuel it) and a lot of nice stuff in it, like a FAL and BIZON SD while at the same time gearing M4A1 CCO and M16 203 ...it also had a tent which was the only thing left i really needed to set up a hideout, so i thought perfect and went north with it. I hid the bus and logged out (was going to bed) The weird thing is that i actually logged out before in Stary Novor and logged back to see if it would save the progress and it did. I repeated this procedure at the location i hid the bus and it also saved my progress when i logged back in (to check it out) Today i log in --> BAMMMM back at Devil's Castle again (with the gear i had when i started my trip from there)!!! At this point it think it's maybe because of my Ghillie suit, but it also happened to me without it. This was not the first time all my progress was lost. And i really don't see a point playing this game anymore...playing for hours just to be f*** over again and again. And no i don't play on private hives, only German servers in my favourite list. And NO i didn't change the server since yesterday, i stuck to the same server. I thought these issues have been resolved with the latest patches (1.7.3) and i'm using dayZ commander and keep everything updated. I started playing 1 month ago and was really enthusiastic about this game, but all those various bugs killed the fun for me. I'll probably get the standalone but i'm done with this crappy alpha mod which constantly screws you over. >:( NEVER in my life have i played such a buggy mess resembling a "game" A lot of people are excited about the upcoming patch 1.7.4. which will bring in dogs and so on...i mean it's nice they're putting in more vehicles, but dogs? So they can track animals so what? WHY DON'T THEY WORK ON FIXING THOSE BUGS FIRST?????????????!!!!! before putting new elements which will generate even more bugs. I wouldn't be surprised if the dogs randomly bite you in the ass and kill you or push you down stairs or whatever... DayZ is dead for me.I'm done. (until the standalone :rolleyes: )