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Everything posted by FAAmecanic

  1. FAAmecanic

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    In the N apartments in Berezino... Zed was hitting me through the first floor exterior wall :( Also I had a Zed Train coming thru front door and was happily plugging away at them, when all of a sudden a zed spawned above me and litteraly dropped thru the floor directly in front of me (no he didnt walk down the stairs ...I saw him float thru the floor). Other than that.... liking this so far. Zeds are a real threat now...
  2. FAAmecanic

    Amazing game takes dive. Player worries.

    Also...in defense of the night players... I think the Arma Beta patch (current version) still has the Lighting hosed up so light does not reflect off objects like it should (this includes ground, buildings, players).
  3. FAAmecanic

    Hardcore fanboys Vs General gamers

    Yep.... the sad thing is 14 year olds have no manners or respect for others' date=' then there are 40 yr olds that act like 14 yr olds. Good post OP....+1 and totally agree with you.[/b']
  4. Ok this OP is the other side of the exterme line. You have those "uber leet" players that call every CareBears and CoD kiddies and throw profanities at them, then you have the other end of the spectrum like the OP that hates everything and throws everything under the bus. Shame as the OP had some good points to make, but lost them in rage.
  5. Agree that its Alpha. Rocket has implemented a lot of NEW zed features and is testing them (albiet very sadistically lol). Im sure if the zed strength is too high, and spawning without weapons too harsh.... these will be adjusted up or down. I assume Rocket implemented these at the high end of the scale to see/observe the effect (and to satisfy his need for tears). Im sure these will all be adjusted for balancing as Alpha progresses.
  6. FAAmecanic

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    And servers running without Beta patch.... happend to me. Lost everything in the ocean.
  7. FAAmecanic

    [VIDEO] no, no, no, no, no, no

    ROFLMAO....nonononononononoooooooooooooooo Im pissing myself now.
  8. FAAmecanic

    My first day in the zombie apocalypse

    Sounds like all of our "first day" in the Zombie Apocalypse :) Now being as you logged in a lootable building, I suspect day 2 will go something like "Log in expecting to re loot building I logged out of. Spawn in and BLAM BLAM BLAM dead to a player in the building as I spawned in....respawn.." LOL
  9. FAAmecanic

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    What is this mocap??? Is that like IN Living Color's take on spike lee with Mo'better butter?? (showing my age here) I am also concerned with the increase zed awareness, los ability, inc damage, and loss of ability to crawl right next to them... But lets see how this all plays out, Rocket has been silent on how this will all work for a reason. He wants US to TEST this effect out and give him feedback...its a part of being an ALPHA tester. Im sure this will be tweaked MANY times to come.
  10. FAAmecanic

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    YA! Knew it.... here is the first person asking for Rocket's new Anal Realism Mod :) To go back on topic...I pretty much have poo'ed and jizzed waiting for this wonderful update!!
  11. FAAmecanic

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    No this just means even more people avoiding night servers and finding day servers. I mean just look at night servers now... 10/50 on them. Its a joke. I understand about the realism thing... sure, thats great. Its so fucking dark you cant even see your arms. How about this for realism... rocket makes a anal probe that you insert and plug into your PCs USB port. Evertime you get shot it sends a jolt through your ass so you can simulate realism of being shot, crapping your pants, and jizzing in your jeans... (shit..I know most of you fucks would enjoy this) There comes a point where simulating realism is just stupid. It serves no purpose if it takes people away from the game.
  12. FAAmecanic

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    MOCAP = Motion Capture. Basically' date=' a guy gets into a rubber suit covered with cotton balls and pretends to be running. They (who's they?) film it, and transfer it into the game, so now the guy in game looks like he's running. LOS = Line Of Sight. [/quote'] LOL... sorry Killing... that was meant as a inside joke with Disgraced... you wont count in my "troll line" biting count :)
  13. FAAmecanic

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Should have alleviated with 1.7.0. Nope...in fact I didnt have this problem until I loaded 1.7 (without arma2 beta). Been playing becuase it got to the point that I couldnt join ANY servers.
  14. FAAmecanic

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Motion Capture' date=' so the animations of the zombies look better. [/quote'] Hmmm, how does it work? Is there a video or something? And thanks! (I guess I will keep going and ask again in a page or so.) Disgraced...your smart ass replies were starting to piss me off... :P But your posts have me laughing my ass off.... keep being a dick...its so much more entertaining to see you fuck with the nubs :) :) BTW....looked at the notes from Rocket ...what is MOCAP??? Is it like the zombie dance done by the zeds on the Michael Jackson video "Thriller??" That would be cool...like a MOTOWN MOCAP gettin jiggy wit it showdown in Cherno.... And what is the roman numeral IV in the notes mean.... sounds for 4 (IV)???? IDK...
  15. FAAmecanic


    I have DC'ed on occasion when Zeds were glitching/lagging through walls and killing me. Didnt feel bad because it was a BS way to die. I hope Rocket and Co. can fix the zeds clipping thru walls before they fix the DC issues. I have NEVER EVER DC'ed when a player had me dead to rights. If I did something stupid then I deserve to die. If I just got overwhelmed I deserve to die.... At least thats my 2cents.
  16. FAAmecanic

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Wonder how much of that statistic is affected by MANY people spawning in, seeing they are not where they want to be, clicking respawn and dying... lather,rinse, repeat.... I have seen many vids on YouTube of groups of people wanting to play together doing this so they can spawn closer together. I have done it a few times myself when I first started...now I find it quicker just to hoof it where I want to be. Solution: at least allow the player to pick thier spawn point. Now back to the origninal topic.... I was looking forward to my bandit skin but understand why it was taken out. I DO like the idea of finding different skins...but with my last skin change, and ending up in the ocean and loosing all my gear....I wont touch a skin now.
  17. FAAmecanic

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Im so for a 30 sec to logout rule!! Happend to me and 2 teammates last night at the NE airfield. We went into the tower and our point man exchanged gunfire with a person at the top of the stairs. Our point man got to the top of the stairs when the OPFOR upstairs started spraying AK ammo through the glass. Our point man got 5 rounds off (with at least 1-2 rounds hitting) before ducking back down the stairs. My other mate and I went back around the tower to the ladder as we suspected he would try to escape that way. Just as the person got to the bottom of the ladder and we rounded each corner...POOF.... ALT-F4 ..... that really frosts my ass. To me a 30 second rule is more than enough. Find safe place, hit EXIT...30 second countdown clock starts (that you can stop at any time)..then you can Confirm Exit.
  18. FAAmecanic

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Yep...FPS took a serious hit. But it is Alpha and stuff like this happens.